The CC2540T device is a cost-effective, low-power, true wireless MCU for Bluetooth low energy applications. The CC2540T enables robust BLE master or slave nodes to be built with very low total bill-of-material costs, and it can operate up to 125°C. The CC2540T combines an excellent RF transceiver with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, in-system programmable flash memory, 8KB of RAM, and many other powerful supporting features and peripherals. The CC2540T is suitable for systems where very low power consumption is required. Very low-power sleep modes are available. Short transition times between operating modes further enable low power consumption.
Combined with the Bluetooth low energy protocol stack from Texas Instruments, the CC2540TF256 forms the market’s most flexible and cost-effective single-mode Bluetooth low energy solution.
Figure 1-1 shows the functional block diagram of the CC2540T device.
Changes from July 2, 2015 to November 30, 2015
The CC2540T pinout is shown in Figure 3-1, and a short description of the pins follows in Section 3.1.
The exposed ground pad must be connected to a solid ground plane, as this is the ground connection for the chip.NAME | NO. | TYPE | DESCRIPTION |
AVDD1 | 28 | Power (analog) | 2-V to 3.6-V analog power-supply connection |
AVDD2 | 27 | Power (analog) | 2-V to 3.6-V analog power-supply connection |
AVDD3 | 24 | Power (analog) | 2-V to 3.6-V analog power-supply connection |
AVDD4 | 29 | Power (analog) | 2-V to 3.6-V analog power-supply connection |
AVDD5 | 21 | Power (analog) | 2-V to 3.6-V analog power-supply connection |
AVDD6 | 31 | Power (analog) | 2-V to 3.6-V analog power-supply connection |
DCOUPL | 40 | Power (digital) | 1.8-V digital power-supply decoupling. Do not use for supplying external circuits. |
DGND_USB | 1 | Ground pin | Connect to GND |
DVDD_USB | 4 | Power (digital) | 2-V to 3.6-V digital power-supply connection |
DVDD1 | 39 | Power (digital) | 2-V to 3.6-V digital power-supply connection |
DVDD2 | 10 | Power (digital) | 2-V to 3.6-V digital power-supply connection |
GND | — | Ground | The ground pad must be connected to a solid ground plane. |
P0_0 | 19 | Digital I/O | Port 0.0 |
P0_1 | 18 | Digital I/O | Port 0.1 |
P0_2 | 17 | Digital I/O | Port 0.2 |
P0_3 | 16 | Digital I/O | Port 0.3 |
P0_4 | 15 | Digital I/O | Port 0.4 |
P0_5 | 14 | Digital I/O | Port 0.5 |
P0_6 | 13 | Digital I/O | Port 0.6 |
P0_7 | 12 | Digital I/O | Port 0.7 |
P1_0 | 11 | Digital I/O | Port 1.0: 20-mA drive capability |
P1_1 | 9 | Digital I/O | Port 1.1: 20-mA drive capability |
P1_2 | 8 | Digital I/O | Port 1.2 |
P1_3 | 7 | Digital I/O | Port 1.3 |
P1_4 | 6 | Digital I/O | Port 1.4 |
P1_5 | 5 | Digital I/O | Port 1.5 |
P1_6 | 38 | Digital I/O | Port 1.6 |
P1_7 | 37 | Digital I/O | Port 1.7 |
P2_0 | 36 | Digital I/O | Port 2.0 |
P2_1 | 35 | Digital I/O | Port 2.1 |
P2_2 | 34 | Digital I/O | Port 2.2 |
P2_3/ XOSC32K_Q2 | 33 | Digital I/O, Analog I/O | Port 2.3/32.768 kHz XOSC |
P2_4/ XOSC32K_Q1 | 32 | Digital I/O, Analog I/O | Port 2.4/32.768 kHz XOSC |
RBIAS | 30 | Analog I/O | External precision bias resistor for reference current |
RESET_N | 20 | Digital input | Reset, active-low |
RF_N | 26 | RF I/O | Negative RF input signal to LNA during RX Negative RF output signal from PA during TX |
RF_P | 25 | RF I/O | Positive RF input signal to LNA during RX Positive RF output signal from PA during TX |
USB_N | 3 | Digital I/O | USB N |
USB_P | 2 | Digital I/O | USB P |
XOSC_Q1 | 22 | Analog I/O | 32-MHz crystal oscillator pin 1 or external-clock input |
XOSC_Q2 | 23 | Analog I/O | 32-MHz crystal oscillator pin 2 |