3 说明
bq24780S 器件是一款高效同步电池充电器,所含元件数较少,适用于空间受限的多化合物电池充电 应用。
bq24780S 器件支持混合动力升压模式(之前称之为“涡轮升压模式”)。当系统电源需求突然超过适配器最大电源水平时,可利用此模式对系统放电。这样适配器就不会受损。
bq24780S 器件利用两个电荷泵分别驱动 N 通道 MOSFET(ACFET、RBFET 和 BATFET),以便自动选择系统电源。
系统电源管理微控制器可以通过 SMBus 对具有较高调节精度的输入电流、充电电流、放电电流和充电电压 DAC 进行编程。
bq24780S 器件可监视适配器电流 (IADP)、电池放电电流 (IDCHG) 和系统电源 (PMON),以便主机根据需要控制 CPU 速度回落或减少系统电源。
bq24780S 器件可对 1、2、3 或 4 节串联锂离子电池充电。
器件型号 |
封装 |
封装尺寸(标称值) |
bq24780S |
WQFN (28) |
4.00 × 4.00mm2 |
- 要了解所有可用封装,请见数据表末尾的可订购产品附录。
4 修订历史记录
Changes from B Revision (April 2015) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (April 2015) to B Revision
Changed the Description for pin 22 (GND) in the Pin Functions tableGo
Changed the Thermal Pad to PowerPAD in the Pin Functions tableGo
Changed 16X to 20X on the SRP and SRN pins of the Functional Block Diagram Go
Changed C4 From: 0.01 μF To: 0.1 μF in Figure 17 Go
Changes from * Revision (April 2015) to A Revision
Changed V(ACOC) in the Electrical Characteristics, MIN From: 190% To: 180%, MAX From: 215% To: 220% Go
Changed "ChargeOption() bit [0] = 0" To: REG0x12[0] in Enable and Disable ChargingGo
Changed " (REG0x12[1])" To: (REG0x12[0]=1) in Enable and Disable ChargingGo
Changed " REG0x12" To: "REG0x12[0]" in Battery ChargingGo
Changed Bit [10:9] in Table 9 From: 11: 8 ms To: 11: 800 µs Go
Added sentence to Bit [7:6] in Table 9 " If REG0x15() is programmed..."Go
Changed text in Bit [5] of Table 9 From: "write 0x3C[2] = 1." To: "write 0x3C[2] = 0."Go
Deleted text from Bit [5] of Table 9 "This function is not available in 1s battery."Go