3 说明
TPS7A8300 是一款低噪声 (6µVRMS),低压降 (LDO) 稳压器,能够在压降最大值只有 125mV 的情况下提供一个 2A 负载。
用户完全可以通过印刷电路板 (PCB) 布局布线来调节 TPS7A8300 输出电压,而无需外部电阻器,从而减少元件总数量。 对于更高输出电压应用,此器件在使用外部电阻器的情况下可实现高达 5V 的输出电压。 借助于一个额外的偏置电压轨,此器件支持极低输出电压(低至 1.1V)。
借助于极高精度(线路、负载和温度范围内达到 1%),遥感和可以减少涌入电流的软启动功能,TPS7A8300 非常适合为诸如高端微处理器和现场可编程门阵列 (FPGA) 等高电流、低电压的器件供电。
TPS7A8300 针对高速通信应用中的加电噪声敏感组件而设计。 极低噪声,6-µVRMS器件输出和高宽带电源抑制比 (PSRR)(1MHz 时为
40dB)大大减少了高频信号中的相位噪声和时钟抖动。 这些特性大大增加了计时器件、模数转换器 (ADC) 和数模转换器 (DAC) 的性能。
对于需要正向和负向低噪声电源轨的应用,请考虑 TI 的TPS7A33负向高电压、超低噪声线性稳压器系列产品。
部件号 |
封装 |
封装尺寸(标称值) |
TPS7A8300 |
超薄四方扁平无引线封装 (VQFN) (20) |
5.00mm x 5.00mm |
超薄四方扁平无引线封装 (VQFN) (20) |
3.50mm x 3.50mm |
- 如需了解所有可用封装,请见数据表末尾的可订购产品附录。
4 修订历史记录
Changes from D Revision (February 2013) to E Revision
更改了第五个特性要点下的第一个分项 ANY-OUTGo
更改了第八个特性要点:将软启动输出和 PG 输出拆成了两个单独的特性要点Go
Changed RGW and RGR drawings: removed spacing between number and unit in pins 5 to 7 and 9 to 11 Go
Changed first row of Pin Functions table: deleted spacing between number and unit in pin namesGo
Added capacitor value to BIAS pin description in Pin Functions tableGo
Changed 87% to 89% in the PG pin description of the Pin Functions tableGo
Changed thermal pad description in Pin Functions tableGo
Changed conditions statements for Absolute Maximum Ratings and Recommended Operating Conditions tables Go
Added Recommended Operating Conditions tableGo
Changed the Typical Characteristics section: changed all curve titles and conditions Go
Changed title of Figure 11Go
Added Overview section Go
Changed second paragraph of Overview section: changed that can be groups, as follows to includingGo
Changed functional block diagram footnoteGo
Added Feature Description sectionGo
Changed adjustable version to adjustable configuration in first paragraph of Adjustable Operation section Go
Changed Figure 51: removed right-hand side diagramGo
Added Figure 52Go
Changed second sentence in Internal Charge Pump section Go
Changed last sentence of UVLO sectionGo
Changed oscillates to cycles in first paragraph of Thermal Protection sectionGo
Changed first sentence of Programmable Soft-Start sectionGo
Added Device Functional Modes sectionGo
Added Application Information section Go
Changed second paragraph of Noise sectionGo
Added Typical Application section Go
Added Figure 57Go
Changes from C Revision (July 2013) to D Revision
Changed 将文档状态从混合状态更改为生产数据Go
Deleted 删除了最后一个特性要点中第二个分项的脚注Go
Deleted footnote from RGR package drawingGo
Changed GND pin description in Pin Descriptions tableGo
Changes from B Revision (July 2013) to C Revision
Deleted PG Functionality sectionGo
Changed Power-Good sectionGo
Changed text in Feed-Forward Capacitor subsectionGo
Changes from A Revision (June 2013) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (May 2013) to A Revision