3 说明
ISO7842x 器件是一款高性能四通道数字隔离器,隔离电压为 8000VPK。该器件已通过符合 VDE、CSA、CQC 和 TUV 标准的增强型隔离认证。在隔离互补金属氧化物半导体 (CMOS) 或者低电压互补金属氧化物半导体 (LVCMOS) 数字 I/O 时,该隔离器可提供高电磁抗扰度和低辐射,同时具备低功耗特性。每个隔离通道都有一个由二氧化硅 (SiO2) 绝缘隔栅分开的逻辑输入和输出缓冲器。
该器件配有使能引脚,可用于将多个主驱动应用中的相应输出置于 高阻抗状态, 也可用于降低功耗。ISO7842 器件具有 2 个正向通道和 2 个反向通道。如果出现输入功率或信号丢失,ISO7842 器件默认输出高电平,ISO7842F 器件默认输出低电平。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Device Functional Modes器件功能模式部分。
与隔离式电源结合使用时,该器件有助于防止数据总线或者其他电路中的噪声电流进入本地接地,进而干扰或损坏敏感电路。凭借创新的芯片设计和布线技术,ISO7842 器件的电磁兼容性得到了显著增强,可确保提供系统级 ESD、EFT 和浪涌保护并符合辐射标准。
ISO7842 器件采用 16 引脚 SOIC 宽体 (DW) 和超宽体 (DWW) 封装。
产品型号 |
封装 |
封装尺寸(标称值) |
ISO7842F |
DW (16) |
10.30mm x 7.50mm |
DWW (16) |
10.30mm x 14.0mm |
- 要了解所有可用封装,请参阅数据表末尾的可订购产品附录。
4 修订历史记录
Changes from F Revision (April 2016) to G Revision
Changed part numbers in the Power Ratings table (previously Power Dissipation Characteristics) Go
Changed the input-to-output test voltage parameter to apparent charge in the Insulation Specifications Go
Added 接收文档更新通知部分Go
Changes from E Revision (March 2016) to F Revision
Changed 隔离层寿命年数(特性部分)Go
VDE 认证现在已完成Go
Changed VCCO to VCCI for the minimum value of the input threshold voltage hysteresis parameter in all electrical characteristics tablesGo
Added VCM to the test condition of the common-mode transient immunity parameter in all electrical characteristics tablesGo
Added the lifetime projection graphs for DW and DWW packages to the Safety Limiting Values section Go
Changes from D Revision (December 2015) to E Revision
在特性中添加了“符合 EN 61010-1 和 EN 60950-1 标准的 TUV 认证”Go
将说明的第一段中的文本从“符合 VDE、CSA 和 CQC 的认证” 更改为“符合 VDE、CSA、CQC 和 TUV 的认证。”Go
Added Note 1 to Insulation Characteristics Go
Changed IEC 60664-1 Ratings TableGo
Added TUV to the Regulatory Information section and Regulatory Information. Deleted Note 1 in Regulatory Information Go
Changed Device I/O Schematics Go
Changes from C Revision (July 2015) to D Revision
在特性中添加了“完成了 DW 封装认证;规划了 DWW 认证”Go
向说明部分添加了文本:“和超宽体 (DWW) 封装”。Go
已将封装“超宽 SOIC、DWW (16)”添加至器件信息表Go
Added the 16-DWW Package to Package Insulation and Safety-Related SpecificationsGo
Added the DWW package information to Package Insulation and Safety-Related SpecificationsGo
Added the DWW package information to Regulatory InformationGo
Changed the MIN value of CMTI in Electrical Characteristics–5-V Supply, 5 V table From: 70 To: 100 kV/μs, deleted the TYP value of 100 kV/μsGo
Added the Supply Current - ISO7842DW and ISO7842FDW section to the Supply Current Characteristics–5-V SupplyGo
Added the Supply Current - ISO7842DWW and ISO7842FDWW section to the Supply Current Characteristics–5-V SupplyGo
Changed the MIN value of CMTI in Electrical Characteristics—3.3-V Supply, 5 V table From: 70 To: 100 kV/μs, deleted the TYP value of 100 kV/μsGo
Added the Supply Current - ISO7842DW and ISO7842FDW section to the Supply Current Characteristics—3.3-V SupplyGo
Added the Supply Current - ISO7842DWW and ISO7842FDWW section to the Supply Current Characteristics—3.3-V SupplyGo
Changed the MIN value of CMTI in Electrical Characteristics—2.5-V Supply, 5 V table From: 70 To: 100 kV/μs, deleted the TYP value of 100 kV/μsGo
Added the Supply Current - ISO7842DW and ISO7842FDW section to the Supply Current Characteristics—2.5-V SupplyGo
Added the Supply Current - ISO7842DWW and ISO7842FDWW section to the Supply Current Characteristics—2.5-V SupplyGo
Added text to the Application Information section: " isolation voltage per UL 1577." Go
Changes from B Revision (April 2015) to C Revision
已添加器件 ISO7482F 至数据表Go
已更改 说明以包含“ISO7842 器件默认输出为“高”,ISO7842F 器件默认输出为“低””。Go
Changed Thermal Derating Curve for Safety Limiting Current per VDE , Added Thermal Derating Curve for Safety Limiting Power per VDEGo
Changed From: tPLH and tPHLat 5.5V To: tPLH and tPHL at 5.0 V Go
Changed Default Output Delay Time Test Circuit and Voltage WaveformsGo
Added the Device I/O Schematics section Go
Changes from A Revision (November 2014) to B Revision
已将文档标题从“四通道数字隔离器”更改为“四通道 2/2 数字隔离器”Go
在特性部分添加了“2.25V 至 5.5V 电平转换”Go
将特性中的“宽体 SOIC-16 封装”更改为“宽体和超宽体 SOIC-16 封装选项”Go
VDE 认证现在已完成Go
更改了简化电路原理图并增加了注释 1 和注释 2Go
Added the Power Dissipation Characteristics tableGo
Changed Package Insulation and Safety-Related SpecificationsGo
Changed Insulation Characteristics title From: DIN V VDE 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10) and UL 1577 Insulation Characteristics To: Insulation CharacteristicsGo
Changed Insulation Characteristics Go
Changed the Test Condition of CTI of the table in Package Insulation and Safety-Related Specifications Go
Changed the MIN value of CTI From" > 600 V To: 600 V Go
Changed the table in Regulatory InformationGo
Changed Switching Characteristics Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms Go
Changed Enable/Disable Propagation Delay Time Test Circuit and Waveform Go
Changed From: VCC1 To: VCCI in Default Output Delay Time Test Circuit and Voltage WaveformsGo
Changed Common-Mode Transient Immunity Test CircuitGo
Deleted INPUT-SIDE and OUTPUT-SIDE from columns 1 and 2 of Function Table Go
Changed the Application Information section Go
Changed the Application Information section Go
Added text and typical circuit hook-up figure to the Detailed Design Procedure section Go
Changes from * Revision (October 2014) to A Revision
将 说明 部分的语句从“该器件已通过 VDE 和 CSA 认证,满足增强型隔离要求。” 更改为“该器件正在就是否满足增强型隔离要求进行 VDE 和 CSA 审核认证。”Go
Changed RIO MIN value From: 109 To: 1011 in the Package Insulation and Safety-Related Specifications table Go
Changed the first row of information in the Regulatory Information table Go