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MSP430F14x, MSP430F14x1, MSP430F13x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers
1 Device Overview
1.1 Features
- Low Supply Voltage Range, 1.8 V to 3.6 V
- Ultra-Low Power Consumption:
- Active Mode: 280 µA at 1 MHz, 2.2 V
- Standby Mode: 1.6 µA
- Off Mode (RAM Retention): 0.1 µA
- Five Power-Saving Modes
- Wakeup From Standby Mode in Less Than 6 µs
- 16-Bit RISC Architecture, 125-ns Instruction Cycle Time
- 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) With Internal Reference, Sample-and-Hold, and Autoscan Feature
- 16-Bit Timer_B With Seven Capture/Compare-With-Shadow Registers
- 16-Bit Timer_A With Three Capture/Compare Registers
- On-Chip Comparator
- Serial Onboard Programming, No External Programming Voltage Needed, Programmable Code Protection by Security Fuse
- Serial Communication Interface (USART), Functions as Asynchronous UART or Synchronous SPI Interface
- Two USARTs (USART0, USART1) On MSP430F14x and MSP430F14x1 Devices
- One USART (USART0) On MSP430F13x Devices
- Family Members (Also See Device Comparison)
- MSP430F133
- 8KB + 256 Bytes of Flash Memory,
256 Bytes of RAM
- MSP430F135
- 16KB + 256 Bytes of Flash Memory,
512 Bytes of RAM
- MSP430F147, MSP430F1471
- 32KB + 256 Bytes of Flash Memory,
1KB of RAM
- MSP430F148, MSP430F1481
- 48KB + 256 Bytes of Flash Memory,
2KB of RAM
- MSP430F149, MSP430F1491
- 60KB + 256 Bytes of Flash Memory,
2KB of RAM
1.2 Applications
- Sensor Systems
- Industrial Controls
- Hand-Held Meters