bytes at work AG

System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services

Since 2010, the bytesatwork team have used their know-how and expertise to develop into one of the leading embedded Linux providers in Europe. Consistently working according to the software-first approach – because software drives innovation. All products and solutions are developed, assembled and produced in Winterthur, Switzerland. Therefore, they meet Swiss quality standards—and the standards of our customers.

Arm-based processors
AM3351 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 1Gb Ethernet, display AM3352 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 1Gb Ethernet, display, CAN AM3354 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 3D graphics, CAN AM3356 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM3357 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, EtherCAT, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM3358 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 3D graphics, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM3358-EP Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 3D, PRU-ICSS, HiRel, CAN AM3359 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, EtherCAT, 3D, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM4372 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9 AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics
Resources offered
  • Evaluation board
Supported regions
  • Africa
  • China
  • Europe
  • India
  • Japan
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • Rest of Asia
  • South America
  • Technoparkstrasse 7
  • Winterthur, 0041-52-2137979


Evaluation board

BYTES-3P-BE-AM6254 — bytes at work bE-AM6254 system on modules for AM623 and AM625 Arm Cortex-A53 1.4-GHz processors

Industrial-grade reliability paired with a powerful 3D graphics core, high-speed memory, dual display interfaces and advanced security features to meet the needs of industry 4.0

The byteENGINE Am62x, or bE-AM6254, is a system on module based on the AM623 and AM625 processors, with flexible (...)

Evaluation board

BYTES-3P-SITARASOMS — bytes at work Sitara SOMs

bytes at work develops industrial computing products and services. They offer SOMs based on Sitara Arm® processors.

Learn more about bytes at work at 


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