Backlight LED drivers
High-performance drivers for a wide variety of screen sizes
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Global dimming: Max VIN ≤30 V
Global dimming: Max VIN >30 V
Local dimming
New products
Bridge between SPI and local dimming TLC696xx LED drivers
Approx. price (USD) 1ku | 0.4
Technical resources
Some Guidelines and Tips for the LED Driver Application
Inductor Selection in Boost Converters for LCD Backlight Applications
LED backlight design considerations
Design & development resources
Backlight and LCD Bias Reference Design for 90-Hz Refresh-Rate Virtual/Augmented Reality Displays
This reference design describes the power solution for LCD displays in wearable devices, especially in augmented-reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets. The high current accuracy backlight driver is achieved by LP8556, which provides high current during small duty cycle synchronized with (...)
70V, 60mA White LED Driver with Dimming Control and Automatic Thermal Scale-Back Reference Design
Compact, High Efficienct (>90%) White LED Driver. Drives a 440 lumen White LED at up to 70V at up to 60mA from a 6V to 18V source. Includes voltage controlled dimming with automatic thermal to current scale-back for preventing high LED temperatures. Designed for genral purpose (...)