Gauging Parameter Calculator for CEDV gauges



Gauging Parameter Calculator (GPC) is a math calculation and simulation tool that helps the battery designer to obtain matching Compensated End of Discharge Voltage (CEDV) coefficients for the specific battery profile. The tool allows the user to increase the accuracy of the fuel gauge IC over temperature.

The battery pack must use one of TI’s CEDV algorithm based fuel gauge. It accepts 3 pairs of log files that can be created by using TI’s Battery Management Studio (bqStudio) software with a CEDV Evaluation board connected through USB. External equipment is required for charge and discharge. For accurate calculations it will also require additional parameters of the battery pack setup. The output information will be emailed as a text file containing the CEDV coefficients. This data can be programmed into Data Flash to create a golden image that can be used in mass production of battery packs.

An EV2300 or EV2400 PC interface board is required to interface to the gas gauge, and a PC USB cable is required for communication with a PC. Both can be ordered online at Windows™-based PC software is available online as well. With the EV2300 or EV2400 interface board and software, the user can read the data registers, program the chipset for different configurations, log cycle data for further evaluation, and evaluate the overall functionality of the solution under different charge and discharge conditions.

This tool is an alternative to the existing Mathcad spreadsheet at

This tool does not require the purchase of a separate Mathcad™ license.

Note: This tool is not applicable to Impedance Track™ (IT) gauges.

GPC is comprised of three modules:

  1. Download instruction manual/packaging tool and package data - this downloadable instruction manual provides information on setting up the battery pack for charge and discharge at multiple temperature points. It guides the user through the steps to obtain good data and specify the device parameters needed for their application. Parameters include battery pack discharge /charge rates, termination conditions, temperature and pack specific information. 
  2. Upload zip file - upon completion of data packaging per the instruction manual, the users can then upload the packaged zip file to TI for the gauging parameter analysis. Registration and legal agreement acceptance is required for the upload. 
  3. Emailed Gauging Parameter Calculator report - contains the information on gauging parameter constants that best fit the uploaded data. The report includes values for EMF, EDVC0, EDVC1, EDVR1, EDVR0, EDVT0, EDVTC, VOC75, VOC50, VOC25 (some of these values may not apply to specific gauges) and a OCV11.txt file which contains 11 point loaded voltage points which can be used on TI gauges bq27320 and bq27220.


Step 1.

Download the instruction manual that applies to your battery pack and collect data per instructions.

This will yield a packaged zip file.

For Compensated End of Discharge Voltage (CEDV)
gas gauging

  1. Download Instruction manual for Gauging Parameter Calculator for CEDV gauges.
  2. Download Data packaging tool (bqStudio) that creates zip file for upload

Step 2.

Upload the zip file.
Login is required.

Upload zip file

Step 3.

Gauging Parameter Calculation report to be emailed to you.

View a sample report.

Email for support issues related to use of this page.

Battery fuel gauges
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Technical documentation

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User guide Simple Guide to CEDV Data Collection for Gauging Parameter Calculator (GPC) (Rev. B) 30 Jan 2018

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