Class-D LC Filter Designer




Calculate and design audio Class-D LC filters in minutes using the Class-D LC Filter Designer.  Select from 4 different filter types based on Class-D output, switching topology and performance.  Input corner frequency and quality (Q) factor to fine tune the audio frequency response.  Finally, verify the selected LC components with multiple speaker loads using the frequency response graph and Q-factor calculations.  The Class-D LC Filter Designer is the perfect quick and easy tool to get started on your next Class-D audio design!
  • Calculate LC filter inductor and capacitor values quickly
  • Select from 4 different Class-D filter types
  • Tune frequency response with corner frequency and quality factor (Q) inputs
  • Verify and graph filter response with multiple speaker loads
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Calculation tool

LCFILTER-CALC-TOOL Class-D LC Filter Designer

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Speaker amps
TAS3251 175-W stereo, 350-W mono, 12- to 38-V supply, digital input Class-D Smart Audio Amplifier TPA3255 315-W stereo, 600-W mono, 18- to 53.5-V supply, analog input Class-D audio amplifier
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TAS5634EVM TAS5634 300W Stereo/600W Mono HD Digital Input, 58V Class-D Amplifier Power Stage Evaluation Module TPA3221EVM TPA3221 100W Stereo/ 200W Mono HD Analog-In Class-D Amplifier Evaluation Module TPA3244EVM TPA3244 60W Stereo / 110W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3245EVM TPA3245 115W Stereo / 230W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module TPA3250D2EVM TPA3250 70W Stereo / 130W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3251EVM TPA3251 175W Stereo / 350W Mono Ultra-HD, Analog-In Class-D Module TPA3255EVM TPA3255 315W Stereo / 600W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module
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LCFILTER-CALC-TOOL Class-D LC Filter Designer

Latest version
Release date: Sep 22, 2016
Speaker amps
TAS3251 175-W stereo, 350-W mono, 12- to 38-V supply, digital input Class-D Smart Audio Amplifier TPA3255 315-W stereo, 600-W mono, 18- to 53.5-V supply, analog input Class-D audio amplifier
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TAS5634EVM TAS5634 300W Stereo/600W Mono HD Digital Input, 58V Class-D Amplifier Power Stage Evaluation Module TPA3221EVM TPA3221 100W Stereo/ 200W Mono HD Analog-In Class-D Amplifier Evaluation Module TPA3244EVM TPA3244 60W Stereo / 110W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3245EVM TPA3245 115W Stereo / 230W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module TPA3250D2EVM TPA3250 70W Stereo / 130W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3251EVM TPA3251 175W Stereo / 350W Mono Ultra-HD, Analog-In Class-D Module TPA3255EVM TPA3255 315W Stereo / 600W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module

Release Information

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Additional resources you might need

Calculation tool

LCFILTER-CALC-TOOL Class-D LC Filter Designer

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Speaker amps
TAS3251 175-W stereo, 350-W mono, 12- to 38-V supply, digital input Class-D Smart Audio Amplifier TPA3255 315-W stereo, 600-W mono, 18- to 53.5-V supply, analog input Class-D audio amplifier
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TAS5634EVM TAS5634 300W Stereo/600W Mono HD Digital Input, 58V Class-D Amplifier Power Stage Evaluation Module TPA3221EVM TPA3221 100W Stereo/ 200W Mono HD Analog-In Class-D Amplifier Evaluation Module TPA3244EVM TPA3244 60W Stereo / 110W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3245EVM TPA3245 115W Stereo / 230W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module TPA3250D2EVM TPA3250 70W Stereo / 130W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3251EVM TPA3251 175W Stereo / 350W Mono Ultra-HD, Analog-In Class-D Module TPA3255EVM TPA3255 315W Stereo / 600W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module
Download options

LCFILTER-CALC-TOOL Class-D LC Filter Designer

Latest version
Release date: Sep 22, 2016
Speaker amps
TAS3251 175-W stereo, 350-W mono, 12- to 38-V supply, digital input Class-D Smart Audio Amplifier TPA3255 315-W stereo, 600-W mono, 18- to 53.5-V supply, analog input Class-D audio amplifier
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TAS5634EVM TAS5634 300W Stereo/600W Mono HD Digital Input, 58V Class-D Amplifier Power Stage Evaluation Module TPA3221EVM TPA3221 100W Stereo/ 200W Mono HD Analog-In Class-D Amplifier Evaluation Module TPA3244EVM TPA3244 60W Stereo / 110W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3245EVM TPA3245 115W Stereo / 230W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module TPA3250D2EVM TPA3250 70W Stereo / 130W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3251EVM TPA3251 175W Stereo / 350W Mono Ultra-HD, Analog-In Class-D Module TPA3255EVM TPA3255 315W Stereo / 600W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module

Release Information

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Design tool

SLAC736 TPA3251 Inductor Study

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Speaker amps
TPA3251 175-W stereo, 350-W mono, 12- to 38-V supply, analog input Class-D Smart Audio Amplifier
Download options

SLAC736 TPA3251 Inductor Study

Latest version
Release date: Nov 21, 2016
Speaker amps
TPA3251 175-W stereo, 350-W mono, 12- to 38-V supply, analog input Class-D Smart Audio Amplifier

Release Information

The design resource accessed as or has been migrated to a new user experience at Please update any bookmarks accordingly.

Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
Application note LC Filter Design (Rev. A) Nov 9, 2016

Related design resources

Hardware development

TAS5634EVM TAS5634 300W Stereo/600W Mono HD Digital Input, 58V Class-D Amplifier Power Stage Evaluation Module TPA3221EVM TPA3221 100W Stereo/ 200W Mono HD Analog-In Class-D Amplifier Evaluation Module TPA3244EVM TPA3244 60W Stereo / 110W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3245EVM TPA3245 115W Stereo / 230W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module TPA3250D2EVM TPA3250 70W Stereo / 130W Peak Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Pad-Down Module TPA3251EVM TPA3251 175W Stereo / 350W Mono Ultra-HD, Analog-In Class-D Module TPA3255EVM TPA3255 315W Stereo / 600W Mono Ultra-HD Analog-In Audio Class-D Module

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