2.4 GHz WiFi® + Bluetooth® Certified Antenna Design on WiLink™ 1835 Module


Design files


The WiLink 1835 Module Antenna Design is a reference design that combines the functionalities of the WiLink 8 module with a built-in antenna on a single board, implementing the module in the way it's been certified. Through this, customers are able to evaluate the performance of the module through embedded applications such as home automation and the Internet of Things that make use of both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth/Bluetooth Low Energy functionalities found on the WiLink 1835 module. This antenna design leverages the use of its certification by using the same antenna layout when the module was tested for certification, allowing customers to avoid repeated certification when creating their applications.

  • Integrated FCC, ETSI, and TELEC certified module
  • Board implements module in the same antenna layout it was certified
  • Allows for usage in applications without the need for recertification
  • WLAN, Bluetooth 4.1, BLE single antenna co-existence on a single module board
  • WLAN 2.4 GHz SISO (20- and 40- MHz channels) and 2.4 GHz MIMO (20-MHz channels) functionality
  • This Board includes a built-in antenna with a pre-certified module and includes a user guide, plus the needed hardware and software to get started
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Design files & products

Design files

Download ready-to-use system files to speed your design process.

TIDRA26.PDF (66 K)

Detailed schematic diagram for design layout and components

TIDRA27.PDF (222 K)

Complete listing of design components, reference designators, and manufacturers/part numbers


Files used for 3D models or 2D drawings of IC components

TIDC562.ZIP (134 K)

Design file that contains information on physical board layer of design PCB


PCB layer plot file used for generating PCB design layout

TIDRA28.ZIP (380 K)

PCB layer plot file used for generating PCB design layout


Includes TI products in the design and potential alternatives.

Wi-Fi products

WL1801MODWiLink™ 8 single band Wi-Fi® module

Data sheet: PDF | HTML
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Data sheet: PDF | HTML

Start development


Daughter card

WL1835MODCOM8B — WiLink™ 8 Module 2.4 GHz WiFi + Bluetooth COM8 Kit for Sitara

TI WiLink™ 8 module family

The WL1835MODCOM8 is one of the two evaluation boards for the TI WiLink 8 combo module family. For designs requiring performance in the 5 GHz band and extended temperature range, see the WL1837MODCOM8I.

The WL1835MODCOM8 Kit for Sitara EVMs easily enables customers to add (...)

User guide: PDF | HTML
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