用于 TPS65910 的 Linux 驱动程序



The TPS65910/1 Linux drivers contain support for the I2C bus framework. Additional driver files support the Linux regulator framework to manage the output regulation of the IC and the Linux GPIO framework to support adding the IC's GPIO's to the system. In addition to the power resources, the Linux drivers contain support for the Linux RTC framework.


Linux Mainline Status

Available in Linux Main line: Yes
Available through N/A

Supported Devices:

  • TPS65910
  • TPS65911


Linux Source Files

The files associated with this device are:

  1. drivers/mfd/tps65910.c
  2. include/linux/mfd/tps65910.h
  3. drivers/gpio/gpio-tps65910.c
  4. drivers/regulator/tps65910-regulator.c
  5. drivers/rtc/rtc-tps65910.c
  6. drivers/mfd/tps65911-comparator.c
  7. arch/arm/boot/dts/tps65910.dtsi
  8. Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/tps65910.txt


Source Files



Linux Device Tree Documentation



Enabling Driver Support

Configure kernel with "make menuconfig" (alternatively use "make xconfig" or"make qconfig")


Menuconfig Location

Required Parent Support:
Device Drivers->Multifunction device drivers->MFD_TPS65910

GPIO Support:
Device Drivers->GPIO Support->MFD GPIO expanders->GPIO_TPS65910

Regulator Support:
Device Drivers->Voltage and Current Regulator Support->REGULATOR_TPS65910

RTC Support:
Device Drivers->Real Time Clock->RTC_DRV_TPS65910


   Symbol: MFD_TPS65910 [=y]   Type  : boolean   Prompt: TI TPS65910 Power Management chip     Location:       -> Device Drivers         -> Multifunction device drivers     Defined at drivers/mfd/Kconfig:1119     Depends on: HAS_IOMEM [=y] && I2C [=y]=y && (GPIOLIB [=y] || COMPILE_TEST [=n])     Selects: MFD_CORE [=y] && REGMAP_I2C [=y] && REGMAP_IRQ [=y] && IRQ_DOMAIN [=y]  Symbol: GPIO_TPS65910 [=y]   Type  : boolean   Prompt: TPS65910 GPIO        Location:       -> Device Drivers         -> GPIO Support (GPIOLIB [=y])           -> MFD GPIO expanders     Defined at drivers/gpio/Kconfig:834     Depends on: GPIOLIB [=y] && MFD_TPS65910 [=y]   Symbol: REGULATOR_TPS65910 [=y]   Type  : tristate   Prompt: TI TPS65910/TPS65911 Power Regulators     Location:       -> Device Drivers         -> Voltage and Current Regulator Support (REGULATOR [=y])     Defined at drivers/regulator/Kconfig:711     Depends on: REGULATOR [=y] && MFD_TPS65910 [=y]   Symbol: RTC_DRV_TPS65910 [=y]   Type  : tristate     Prompt: TI TPS65910 RTC driver     Location:       -> Device Drivers         -> Real Time Clock (RTC_CLASS [=y])     Defined at drivers/rtc/Kconfig:512     Depends on: I2C [=y] && RTC_CLASS [=y] && MFD_TPS65910 [=y]


Fixes and Code Enhancements

If there are fixes and or code enhancements that need to be added to this driver please either:

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