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ADS1261 example C code

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Latest version
Release date: Apr 17, 2018
Precision ADCs
ADS1260 24-bit, 40-kSPS, 5-ch delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF and IDACs for factory automation ADS1260-Q1 Automotive 24-bit, 40-kSPS, 5-ch delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF and IDACs ADS1261 24-bit, 40-kSPS, 10-ch delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF, IDACs & AC excitation for factory automation ADS1261-Q1 Automotive 24-bit, 40-kSPS, 10-ch, delta-sigma ADC with PGA, VREF, IDACs and AC excitation

Release Information

ADS1261 example C code