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Latest version
Release date: Oct 23, 2018
Battery charger ICs
BQ24250 1-cell, 2-A, I2C controlled buck battery charger with 1uA in SYSOFF mode and TS disable function
Battery fuel gauges
BQ27441-G1 System-side Impedance Track™ battery fuel (gas) gauge
Hardware development
Evaluation board
BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII Fuel Tank MKII Battery BoosterPack Plug-In Module

Release Information

Click on the links in the table below to download.

This download page includes open-source design files for the BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII Battery BoosterPack Plug-In Module:

  • Hardware: Open-source schematics, layout, bill of materials (BOM), Gerber files, and documentation.
  • Software: MSP432 SDK comprised of multiple compatible software components including RTOS, drivers, and middleware as well as examples of how to use these components together.

What's new

  • Updated software download link to SimpleLink SDK