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Debug Interface for Ethernet PHYs (DIEP)

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Latest version
Version: 1.0
Release date: Dec 11, 2023

Debug Interface for Ethernet PHYs (DIEP) GUI Installer

MD5 checksum
Ethernet PHYs
DP83822H Extended temperature, robust low-power 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with 16-kV ESD DP83822HF Extended temperature, robust 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with fiber support & 16-kV ESD DP83822I Low-power, robust 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with 16-kV ESD DP83822IF Low-power, robust 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with fiber support & 16-kV ESD DP83825I Smallest form factor (3-mm by 3-mm), low-power 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with 50-MHz c DP83826E Low latency 10/100-Mbps PHY with MII interface and enhanced mode DP83826I Low latency 10/100-Mbps PHY, MII interface and enhanced mode with an industrial temperature range DP83848-EP Enhanced Product PHYTER extreme temperature single port 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet physical layer DP83848C Commercial temperature, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with SNI interface & JTAG support DP83848H Extended temperature, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver in a 40-pin QFN package DP83848I Industrial temperature, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with SNI & JTAG support DP83848J Commercial temperature, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver in a 40-pin QFN package DP83848K Industrial temperature, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver in a 40-pin QFN package DP83867CR Low-power, robust gigabit Ethernet PHY transceiver in a small QFN package DP83867E Extended temperature, robust low-latency gigabit Ethernet PHY transceiver with SGMII DP83867IR Industrial temperature, robust gigabit Ethernet PHY transceiver DP83TC811-Q1 Low-power 100BASE-T1 automotive PHYTER™ Ethernet physical layer transceiver DP83TC812R-Q1 TC-10 compliant 100BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet PHY with RGMII DP83TC812S-Q1 TC-10 compliant 100BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet PHY with RGMII & SGMII DP83TD510E IEEE 802.3cg 10BASE-T1L Ethernet PHY DP83TG720R-Q1 1000BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet PHY with RGMII DP83TG720S-Q1 1000BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet PHY with RGMII & SGMII
Hardware development
Evaluation board
DP83822EVM DP83822I 10-Mbps & 100-Mbps Ethernet PHY evaluation module DP83825EVM Small form factor 10/100 ethernet PHY evaluation module DP83826EVM DP83826 Low-latency 10/100 ethernet PHY evaluation module DP83867ERGZ-R-EVM DP83867ERGZ RGMII 1000M/100M/10M Ethernet PHY evaluation module DP83867ERGZ-S-EVM DP83867ERGZ SGMII 1000M/100M/10M Ethernet PHY Evaluation Module DP83TC811EVM DP83TC811 100BASE-T1 to 100BASE-TX automotive Ethernet PHY media converter evaluation module DP83TC811SEVM DP83TC811S 100BASE-T1 automotive Ethernet PHY xMII evaluation module DP83TC812EVM-MC DP83TC812 evaluation module for 100Mbs media converter DP83TD510E-EVM DP83TD510E Low power 10Base-T1L single-pair Ethernet PHY evaluation module DP83TG720EVM-MC DP83TG720 evaluation module for 1Gbps media converter

Release Information

Release of DIEP GUI installer, packaged with device description files for automatic connection and detection of Ethernet EVMs.

After installation, start program with .exe in the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\DIEP\DIEP.exe


REDRAFT 12-11:

No changes to DIEP, only adding reference to associated PHY & EVM GPNs.