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LP8733 Evaluation Software

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Latest version
Release date: Feb 1, 2017
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Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
LP8733 Dual high-current buck converters and dual linear regulators
Hardware development
Evaluation board
LP87320Q1EVM LP873200-Q1 I²C Configurable Dual High-Current Buck Converters and Dual Linear Regulator EVM LP87322Q1EVM LP873220-Q1 Dual High-Current Buck Converters and Dual Linear Regulator Evaluation Module LP87330Q1EVM LP873300-Q1 I²C Configurable Dual High-Current Buck Converters and Dual Linear Regulator EVM LP87331Q1EVM LP87332A-Q1 Dual High-Current Buck Converters and Dual Linear Regulator Evaluation Module LP87332Q1EVM LP87332D-Q1 Dual High-Current Buck Converters and Dual Linear Regulator Evaluation Module LP87333Q1EVM LP87332B-Q1 Dual High-Current Buck Converters and Dual Linear Regulator Evaluation Module

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