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mmWave device firmware package (DFP) for 2nd-generation AWR2243 parts

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Latest version
Release date: Aug 29, 2022

MMWAVE_DFP installer for Windows Host

MD5 checksum

MMWAVE_DFP zip package

MD5 checksum
lock = Requires export approval (1 minute)
Automotive mmWave radar sensors
AWR2243 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive second-generation high-performance MMIC
Hardware development
Evaluation board
AWR2243BOOST AWR2243 second-generation 76-GHz to 81-GHz high-performance automotive MMIC evaluation module DCA1000EVM DCA1000 evaluation module for real-time data capture and streaming MMWCAS-DSP-EVM mmWave cascade imaging radar DSP evaluation module MMWCAS-RF-EVM mmWave cascade imaging radar RF evaluation module


Release Notes for MMWAVE DFP

User Guide for MMWAVE DFP

Radar Interface control document

Software Manifest of Components Inside the MMWAVE DFP

Release Information

mmWave DFP is a device firmware package for TI's 76-81GHz mmWave sensor front end. The package includes firmware binaries and reference drivers to control, configure, calibrate and monitor the RF/analog and digital front-end subsystem. This release is only for AWR2243 ES1.1 (production ready) device variant.