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GCC - Open Source Compiler for MSP432 Microcontrollers

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Latest version
Release date: Mar 8, 2017

Windows Installer for MSP432GCC

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macOS Installer for MSP432GCC

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Linux x64 Installer for MSP432GCC

MD5 checksum
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Release Information

SimpleLink™ MSP432™ GCC Support package is complete debugger and open source C/C++ compiler toolchain for building and debugging embedded applications based on SimpleLink™ MSP432™ microcontrollers. The ARM GCC Compiler is owned and maintained by ARM. Therefore, the ARM GCC compiler is not provided within the SimpleLink™ MSP432™ GCC Support Package.

While the TI package includes the examples and other collateral files, users can download the GCC and GDB binaries from the following location:

This package has been tested with:

  • GCC ARM Embedded Compiler v4_9-2015q3-20150921
  • GCC ARM Embedded Compiler v5_3-2016q1-20160330
  • GCC ARM Embedded Compiler v6_2-2016q4-20161216

What's new

  • Download speed improvements
  • Updating code examples to version of MSP432Ware
  • Automatic firmware update for XDS110 and XDS200
  • Components:
    • SimpleLink™ MSP432™ header and support files (v3.0.0):
      • CMSIS Core v5.0
      • Header files
      • Startup files
      • Linker files
      • FlashMSP432 library
    • XDS Emulation Software Package including GDB agent (v6.0.579.0)
      • Automatic firmware update for XDS110 and XDS200
    • Five examples (based on MSPWare v3.50.00.02)