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Latest version
Version: 6AO.1.1
Release date: Sep 14, 2020

Pre built emmc package. refer to release notes on using this binary package

MD5 checksum

6AO.1.1 Kernel source package

MD5 checksum

6AO.1.1 U-boot source package

MD5 checksum
Arm-based processors
DRA710 600 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics for infotainment & cluster DRA712 600 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & dual Arm Cortex-M4 for infotainment & cluster DRA714 600 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & DSP for infotainment & cluster DRA716 800 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & DSP for infotainment & cluster DRA718 1 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & DSP for infotainment & cluster DRA722 800 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics and DSP for automotive infotainment & cluster DRA724 1 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics and DSP for automotive infotainment & cluster DRA725 1.2 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics and DSP for automotive infotainment & cluster DRA726 1.5 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 with Graphics & DSP for Infotainment & Cluster DRA74P Multi-core SoC processors with ISP and pin-compatible with DRA74x SoC processors DRA75P Multi-core SoC processors with ISP and pin-compatible with DRA75x SoCs for infotainment applications DRA76P High performance multi-core SoC processors with ISP for digital cockpit applications DRA77P High performance multi-core SoCs with extended peripherals and ISP for digital cockpit applications DRA790 300 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 500 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA791 300 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA793 500 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA797 800 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier
Digital signal processors (DSPs)
DRA780 SoC processor w/ 500 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA781 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA782 SoC processor w/ 2x 500 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA783 SoC processor w/ 2x 750 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA785 SoC processor w/ 2x 1000 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA786 SoC processor w/ 2x 500 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 & EVE for audio amplifier DRA787 SoC processor w/ 2x 750 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 & EVE for audio amplifier DRA788 SoC processor w/ 2x 1000 MHz C66x DSP and 1x EVE and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier


Zip file containing release documentation in pdf format

TI manifest and license information

Stock Android manifest and license information - NOTICE.html

Release Information

Click on the links in the table below to download content.

6AO.1.1 release package provides Android™ Oreo™ MR1 (Android 8.1) distribution for TIs Jacinto6, Jacinto6 Eco, Jacinto6 Entry and Jacinto6 Plus Processors. The pre-built images provided in this page is for the Jacinto6, Jacinto6 Eco, Jacinto6 Entry and Jacinto6 Plus EVMs. For more information refer to Release notes.

Android is a trademark of Google LLC; Oreo is a trademark of Mondelez International, Inc. group.