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Bluetooth Plug-in for SimpleLink™ MCU SDK

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Latest version
Release date: Jul 31, 2019

Windows Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin

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macOS Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin

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Linux Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin

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Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
MSP432E401Y SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F MCU with ethernet, CAN, 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM MSP432E411Y SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F MCU with ethernet, CAN, TFT LCD, 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM<
Low-power 2.4-GHz products
CC2640 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU with 128kB Flash CC2642R SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU with 352kB Flash CC2650 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 multiprotocol 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with 128kB Flash CC2650MODA SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 multiprotocol 2.4 GHz wireless module with 128kB Flash CC2652R SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F multiprotocol 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with 352kB Flash
Wi-Fi products
CC3220S SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with secure boot and 256kB RAM CC3220SF SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM CC3235S SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 dual-band Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 256kB RAM CC3235SF SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 dual-band Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 1MB Flash
Hardware development
Development kit
CC3220S-LAUNCHXL CC3220S LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL CC3220SF LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235S CC3235S dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235SF CC3235SF dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU MSP-EXP432E401Y MSP432E401Y LaunchPad™ development kit for Ethernet SimpleLink™ MCU
Evaluation board
BOOSTXL-CC2650MA TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® low energy CC2650 Module BoosterPack™ Plug-in Module LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 CC2640R2 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 CC26x2R LaunchPad™ development kit for multi-standard SimpleLink™ wireless MCU


SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin User's Guide

What's new

  • This version of the SimpleLink Bluetooth Plugin now enables a BLE two-chip solution to act as a GAP Central role. Previous versions of this plugin only included support for GAP Peripheral role. This new functionality is showcased through the addition of the new simple_central example, which uses the MSP432E401Y as the Host device and the CC26x2R1 as the NWP. The simple_central example demonstrates the following features:
    • Host: MSP432E401Y
    • NWP: CC26X2R1
    • GAP Central role support
    • Host Controller Interface (HCI) protocol used for communication with the NWP
    • BLE5 support
    • Power management
    • Low Energy Secure Connection (LESC) Pairing
    • Tested with up to 4 peripherals connected simultaneously (but can support more than 4 connections)
    • Supports a subset of TI Vendor Specific HCI commands and Bluetooth LE HCI commands/events. More information on these APIs can be found BLE Vendor Specific API Guide.
    • Works out-of-box with the Sensors BoosterPack and Project Zero examples that are also in the SimpleLink SDK Bluetooth Plugin.
    • The GAP Central source code is also showcased in a separate downloadable: the SimpleLink BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack. This example pack demonstrates enabling a user’s BLE two-chip solution to become a gateway to the Azure IoT cloud. The SimpleLink BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack can be found on

Release Information

The SimpleLink™ SDK BLE Plugin is a companion software package that enables the use of a Bluetooth radio on any standard MSP432P4 platform, MSP432E4 or CC32XX platform, and enables this two-chip solution to act as either a GAP Peripheral role or a GAP Central role. By having the ability to seamlessly and modularly add Bluetooth functionality (more specifically Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE) to an embedded system, a programmer can enable their embedded device to become a gateway to various IOT infrastructures.

For examples demonstrating the two-chip solution in a peripheral role, the plugin leverages the use of the TI Simple Application Processor (SAP) driver connected to a CC26xx Simple Network Processor (SNP) to provide a highly customizable hardware configuration. For software connectivity between the SAP and the SNP, an architecture agnostic HAL/Drivers layer is used to promote software portability and maximize collateral reuse.

For examples demonstrating the two-chip solution in a central role, communication between the NWP and the Host occurs through a UART serial interface using the Host Controller Interface (HCI) protocol. TI Vendor Specific HCI commands and a limited subset of Bluetooth LE HCI commands/events to implement a Bluetooth application. By using TI Vendor Specific commands and events, the application can communicate with and access the BLE stack.