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USB-MODEVM Windows XP/Vista/7 Driver

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Latest version
Release date: May 1, 2012
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TLV320AIC3007EVM-K TLV320AIC3007 Evaluation Module (EVM) and USB motherboard TLV320AIC3101EVM-K TLV320AIC3101 Evaluation Module and USB Motherboard TLV320AIC3104EVM-K TLV320AIC3104 Evaluation Module and USB Motherboard TLV320AIC3105EVM-K TLV320AIC3105 Evaluation Module and USB Motherboard TLV320AIC3106EVM-K TLV320AIC3106 low-power stereo CODEC evaluation module and USB motherboard TLV320AIC3107EVM-K TLV320AIC3107 Evaluation Module and USB Motherboard TLV320AIC3109EVM-K TLV320AIC3109-Q1 Evaluation Module and USB Motherboard TLV320AIC34EVM-K   ;TLV320AIC34 evaluation module and USB motherboard TLV320DAC32EVM-PDK TLV320DAC32 Evaluation Module (EVM) and USB motherboard

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