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Metrology Library and Software for Concerto F28M35H52C

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Release date: Jun 22, 2014
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C2000 real-time microcontrollers
F28M35H52C C2000™ dual core 32-bit MCU with 250 MIPS, 1024-kb Flash F28M35H52C-Q1 Automotive C2000™ dual-core 32-bit MCU with 250 MIPS, 1024 KB flash
Linear & low-dropout (LDO) regulators
TLV1117 800-mA, 15-V, linear voltage regulator
Noninverting buffers & drivers
SN74LVC2G07 2-ch, 1.65-V to 5.5-V buffers with open-drain outputs
Power op amps
AFE032 Low-cost, integrated, powerline communications (PLC) analog front-end for driving low-impedance line
Precision op amps (Vos<1mV)
OPA4376 Quad precision, low-noise, low quiescent current operational amplifier
Programmable & variable gain amplifiers (PGAs & VGAs)
PGA112 Zero-drift, 100-µV offset, 12-nV/√Hz noise, RRO (binary gain) programmable gain amp with 2-ch mux

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