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Simplify migrating your application code from STM8S003 to MSPS003
STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool for Windows
STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool for Linux
STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool for macOS
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCUs
STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool manifest
STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool release notes
Release Information
The STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool provides a collection of software, tools, and documentation to simplify the process of migrating applications from the STM8S003 device family to the pin compatible MSPS003 (MSPM0C110x) devices.
The STM8S003 to MSPS003 migration tool includes an STM8S003 API compatible driver library with a set of fully functional APIs that can be used to configure, control, and manipulate the hardware peripherals of the MSPM0 platform. This library is API compatible with the STM8S standard peripheral library.
- Support for the ARM®Cortex®-M0+ core and the MSPS003Fx devices
- Supported peripherals: ADC1, AWU, BEEP, CLK, EXTI, FLASH, GPIO, I2C, WWDG, UART1, RST, SPI, TIM1, TIM2, and TIM4
- Example projects: Ready-to-use project templates for Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE) and IAR Embedded Workbench
- Demo: GPIO toggle example that showcases the simplified code migration process
- Comprehensive documentation including software API guides and QuickStart guides
What's new
- Initial release supporting MSPS003Fx/MSPSM0C110x
- STM8S API compatible driver library, example project templates, demos, and supporting documentation all in a single software package