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CC USB Firmware Library and Examples

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Latest version
Release date: Nov 30, 2009
Low-power 2.4-GHz products
CC2531 Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4 wireless MCU with up to 256kB Flash and 8kB RAM
Other wireless products
CC2510 2.4 GHz Radio Transceiver, 8051 MCU, and 16KB or 32 KB Memory CC2511 2.4 GHz Radio Transceiver, 8051 MCU, 16KB or 32KB Flash memory and full-speed USB interface CC2511F8 2.4 GHz Radio Transceiver, 8051 MCU, 8 kB Flash memory and full-speed USB interface CC2531-RF4CE Zigbee, IEEE 802.15.4 and RF4CE wireless MCU with up to 256kB Flash and 8kB RAM
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
CC1110-CC1111 Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with up to 32 kB Flash memory
Hardware development
Daughter card
CC1111EMK868-915 CC1111 USB Evaluation Module Kit 868/915 MHz CC2531EMK CC2531 USB Evaluation Module Kit

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