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CC2541/43/44/45 Peripherals Software Examples

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Release date: Oct 23, 2012
Automotive wireless connectivity products
CC2541-Q1 Automotive qualified SimpleLink Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU
Low-power 2.4-GHz products
CC2541 Bluetooth® Low Energy and proprietary wireless MCU CC2651P3 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 single-protocol 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with 352-kB Flash
Other wireless products
CC2543 2.4 GHz RF Value Line SoC with 32kB flash, 16 GPIO, I2C, SPI and UART CC2544 2.4 GHz RF Value Line SoC with 32kB flash, USB, SPI and UART CC2545 2.4 GHz RF Value Line SoC with 32kB flash, 31 GPIO, I2C, SPI and UART

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