Green Hills Software u-velOSity Safety RTOS


提供元: Green Hills Software


The µ-velOSity™ Safety RTOS is the smallest of Green Hills Software's real-time operating systems and was designed especially for microcontrollers. It supports a wide range of TI processor families using the Arm® Cortex-M or Cortex-R cores as a main CPU or as a co-processors within a larger TI processor.

The µ-velOSity RTOS is certified at the highest levels of functional safety for Automotive ISO 26262, Industrial IEC 61508, Railway EN 50128/ 50657 and for automotive cybersecurity ISO/SAE 21434 and industrial security IEC 62443. Its streamlined design and tight integration with the MULTI® IDE makes µ-velOSity both easy to learn and simple to use for developers to build sophisticated automotive, industrial, and IoT solutions running on TI processors.

The advanced MULTI® integrated development tools and Green Hills optimizing C/C++ compilers are seamlessly integrated with µ-velOSity and enable developers to quickly find and fix the most difficult software bugs and to eliminate bottlenecks and efficiently optimize code performance.

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