为何选择我们的 RS-232 产品系列?
借助多通道、低噪声敏感度 RS-232 收发器实现灵活性和可靠性
鉴于 RS-232 支持最远 15m 的通信距离,无需软件即可轻松进行设计
借助我们的 RS-232 器件的低功耗特性和小型封装可提高成本效益。
RS-232 术语表和选择指南
How to choose a TVS diode for RS-232, RS-485 and CAN based on voltage ratings
Active RS-232 power consumption: Why isn’t it in the data sheet?
Explore our RS-232 device portfolio for your data center and enterprise designs.
Our products for your rack server, server motherboard, and other data center and enterprise applications include RS-232 transceivers suitable for connecting with microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors, with multiple transmitter and receiver configurations (one and one, two and two, and three and five). Devices with integrated level shifters enable interfacing with low-voltage MCUs, while a variety of package options include very thin quad flat no-lead.
Our RS-232 devices help you increase security and safety in your factory and automation control applications.
For your industrial PC, programmable logic controller or other factory automation and control designs, our RS-232 devices have International Electrotechnical Commission electrostatic discharge protection as high as 15 kV on all pins, to protect against electrostatic discharges encountered during handling and assembly. Operating temperatures from –40°C to 85°C and 0°C to 70°C – with even wider ranges in our automotive-qualified (-Q1) (–40°C to 125°C) and Enhanced Product (-EP) (–55°C to 125°C) devices – enable protected, secure communication.
- TIDA-00163 – 隔离式 RS-232 到 UART 转换器的参考设计
- TIDA-00540 – RS-485/RS-232 多协议收发器参考设计
- TIDA-00557 – 适用于保护继电器、IED 和变电站自动化的 RS-232 调制解调器接口模块参考设计
Achieve fast data speeds while reducing power consumption in your wired networking designs
For your edge router, small business switches or other wired networking designs, communicate with other peripherals at the data rates you need, with devices that have speeds ranging from 7 kbps to 1 Mbps. Even at these fast speeds, it is still possible to reduce power consumption through our power-down features (power down, auto power down and auto power down plus) and wide availability of supply voltages (2.5 V to 12 V).
TRS3122E:RS-232 收发器 BoosterPack™ 插件模块
BOOSTXL-RS232 是适用于 TI LaunchPad™ 开发套件的 BoosterPack™ 插件模块。BOOSTXL-RS232 通过业界先进的 1.8V 无电感器低功耗 RS-232 收发器 TRS3122E 实现了快速 RS-232 原型设计。该板配备了一个 DB-9 连接器和用于 LaunchPad 开发套件的标准 40 引脚接头。综上,该模块提供了一种连接 LaunchPad 开发套件和外部 RS-232 串行端口的简单方法。BoosterPack 插件模块还配备了接头,可将 TRS3122E 的驱动器输入和接收器输出分配给所连接 LaunchPad (...)