3 说明
ADS1299-4、ADS1299-6 和 ADS1299 器件是一系列四通道、六通道和八通道低噪声、24 位同步采样 Δ-Σ 模数转换器(ADC)系列产品。该系列内置可编程增益放大器 (PGA)、内部基准以及板载振荡器。ADS1299-x 具备 颅外脑电图 (EEG) 和心电图 (ECG) 应用 所需的 全部常用功能。凭借高集成度和出色性能,ADS1299-x 能够以大幅缩小的尺寸、显著降低的功耗和整体成本构建可扩展的医疗仪器系统。
ADS1299-x 在每条通道中配有一个灵活的输入多路复用器,该复用器可与内部生成的信号独立相连,完成测试、温度和导联断开检测。此外,可选择输入通道的任一配置生成患者偏置输出信号。提供可选 SRB 引脚,旨在将公共信号路由至参考蒙太奇配置的多路输入。ADS1299-x 以 250SPS 至 16kSPS 的数据传输速率运行。可通过激励电流阱/电流源在器件内部实现导联断开检测。
可在通道较多的系统中采用菊花链配置串联多个 ADS1299-4、ADS1299-6 或 ADS1299 器件。ADS1299-x 采用 TQFP-64 封装,工作温度介于 –40°C 至 +85°C 之间。
器件型号 |
封装 |
封装尺寸(标称值) |
ADS1299-x |
TQFP (64) |
10.00mm x 10.00mm |
- 要了解所有可用封装,请参见数据表末尾的可订购产品附录。
4 修订历史记录
Changes from B Revision (October 2016) to C Revision
Changed Maximum Junction parameter name to Junction in Absolute Maximum Ratings tableGo
Changed Recommended Operating Conditions table: changed free-air to ambient in conditions statement, changed specifications of Input voltage parameter, and added VCM and fCLK symbolsGo
Changed conditions statement of Electrical Characteristics table: added TA to temperature conditions, moved DVDD condition to after AVDD – AVSS condition Go
Changed Input bias current parameter test conditions from input to InxP and INxNGo
Changed Drift parameter unit from ppm to ppm/°C and changed Internal clock accuracy parameter test conditions from –40°C ≤ TA ≤ +85°C to TA = –40°C to +85°C in Electrical Characteristics tableGo
Changed IAVDD and IDVDD parameters [deleted (normal mode) from parameter names and added Normal mode to test conditions], and deleted Quiescent from Power dissipation parameter name in Electrical Characteristics tableGo
Changed free-air to ambient in conditions statement of Timing Requirements: Serial Interface tableGo
Changed Analog Input section Go
Changed Table 9 cross-reference to Table 7 in Settling Time sectionGo
Changed Ideal Output Code versus Input Signal table: changed all VREF in first column to FS in and deleted footnote 1 Go
Changed reset settings of bits 4 and 3 in bit register of CONFIG1 registerGo
Changed reset value settings of bits 7 to 5 in CONFIG2 register: split cells apartGo
Changed reset value settings of bits 6 to 5 in CONFIG3 register: split cells apart Go
Changed AVDD – AVSS to AVDD + AVSS in description of bit 3 in Configuration Register 3 Field DescriptionsGo
Changed Lead-Off Control Register Field Descriptions table: changed 01 bit setting of bits 3:2 to 24 nA from 12 nA changed description of bits 1:0Go
Changed Unused Inputs and Outputs section: added DRDY description, deleted statement of not floating unused digital inputs Go
Deleted second Layout Guidelines sub-section from Layout section Go
Changes from A Revision (August 2012) to B Revision
Added ESD 额定值表,特性 描述 部分,器件功能模式,应用和实施部分,电源相关建议部分,布局部分,器件和文档支持部分以及机械、封装和可订购信息部分Go
Added ADS1299-4 和 ADS1299-6 至文档Go
Added Go
Deleted 低功耗 特性要点Go
Changed 颅外脑电图 (EEG)(位于应用 和 说明 部分Go
Deleted 最后一个应用要点Go
Changed 说明部分:已添加有关 SRB 引脚的句子,已更改第二段的最后一句Go
Changed 通篇文档中的 ADS1299 系列器件至 ADS1299-xGo
Changed 框图:已添加虚线框 Go
Changed specifications for Lead-Off Detect, Frequency parameter of Electrical Characteristics tableGo
Added specifications for ADS1299-4 and ADS1299-6 in Supply Current (Bias Turned Off) and Power Dissipation (Analog Supply = 5 V, Bias Amplifiers Turned Off) sections of Electrical Characteristics tableGo
Changed Noise Measurements sectionGo
Changed Functional Block Diagram to show channels 5-8 not covered in ADS1299-4 and channels 7-8 not covered in ADS1299-6Go
Changed INxP and INxN pins in Figure 18 Go
Changed Figure 23: changed PgaP, PgaN to PGAp, PGAn Go
Changed Input Common-Mode Range section: changed input common-mode range description Go
Changed differential input voltage range in the Input Differential Dynamic Range sectionGo
Changed Figure 34: MUX8[2:0] = 010 on IN8N, and BIAS_MEAS = 1 on BIASINGo
Changed first sentence of second paragraph in Lead-Off Detection sectionGo
Changed AC Lead-Off (One Time or Periodic) sectionGo
Changed Bias Lead-Off sectionGo
Changed title of Figure 38 and power-down description in Bias Drive (DC Bias Circuit) sectionGo
Changed START Opcode to START in Figure 39Go
Changed Reset (RESET) section for clarityGo
Changed title, first paragraph, START Opcode and STOP Opcode to START and STOP (Figure 42), and STOP Opcode to STOP Command (Figure 43) in Continuous Conversion Mode sectionGo
Added last sentence to Data Input (DIN) sectionGo
Added cross-reference to the Sending Multi-Byte Commands section in RDATAC: Read Data Continuous section Go
Changed RDATAC Opcode to RDATAC in Figure 46Go
Changed RDATA Opcode to RDATA in Figure 46Go
Changed description of SCLK rate restrictions, OPCODE 1 and OPCODE 2 to BYTE 1 and BYTE 2 in Figure 48 of RREG: Read From Register sectionGo
Changed footnotes 1 and 2 and added more cross-references to footnotes in rows 0Dh to 11h in Table 11 Go
Changed register description and description of bit 5 in MISC1: Miscellaneous 1 Register sectionGo
Changed output names in Figure 68 from RA, LA, and RL to Electrode 1, Electrode 2, and BIAS Electrode, respectivelyGo
Changed Power-Up Sequencing sectionGo
Changes from * Revision (July 2012) to A Revision
Changed 器件系列和订购信息表的产品栏 Go