The TPS51916EVM-746 evaluation module is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the TPS51916 low-dropout (LDO) regulator. The TPS51916 provides a complete power supply for DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L and DDR4 memory system in the lowest total cost and minimum space. The TPS51916 integrates a synchronous buck controller (VDDQ) with a 2-A sink/source tracking LDO (VTT) and buffered, low-noise reference (VTTREF). The TPS51916EVM-746 also provides a number of test points to evaluate the performance of the TPS51916.
- D-CAP2™-mode operation with all-ceramic VDDQ output capacitor
- 20-Adc steady-state VDDQ output current
- Supports VDDQ prebias start-up
- SW1 and SW2 provides S3, S5 power control
- Optional external VLDOIN voltage for efficiency and flexible operation
- Convenient test points for probing critical waveforms