BQ76952/42 热敏电阻温度优化器 - 计算 T 范围的热敏电阻系数
The BQ769x2 family of battery monitors can support multiple external thermistors. The device includes an internal pullup resistor to bias the thermistor during measurement. The internal pullup resistor has two options which can set the pullup to 18 kΩ or 180 kΩ. The 18-kΩ option is intended for thermistors that have a 10-kΩ resistance at room temperature. The 180-kΩ option is intended for higher resistance thermistors that have a 200-kΩ resistance at room temperature.
- Download the Guide to Thermistor Coefficient Calculator Tool and follow the instructions to create the zip file for the thermistor
- Upload the zip file (login required) to the GPC Tool
- Open the Thermistor Coefficient Calculator report emailed to you
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用户指南 | Guide to Thermistor Coefficient Calculator Tool - BQ76952 | PDF | HTML | 2022-6-20 |