Ezurio CarbonAM62 SOM,用于 AM623 和 AM625 处理器的 OSM-MF 模块上系统


来自 : Ezurio


Ezurio is a leading manufacturer and connectivity expert for wireless modules and system on modules. The CarbonAM62 OSM-MF family is powered by Texas Instrument's AM62x processor family, TI's TPS65219 PMIC, our Sona Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth wireless modules. Designed to meet the processing and connectivity needs of the commercial, industrial, and medical products with its 1.4GHz Quad Cortex-A53 cores, an 400 MHz Cortex-M4F applications MCU core, an 400 MHZ Cortex-R5F device management core, and a dual-core Programmable Real-Time Unit.


OSM-M v1.1 Compatible: Size optimized 45x30mm OSM Size-M form factor and pin-compatible with our full range of OSM-M modules.

Robust Software and Board Support: Choose from Yocto Linux, Buildroot Linux, Android, or Ubuntu for Cortex-A53, ZephyrRTOs or FreeRTOS for Cortex-M4F and Cortex-R5F.

Secure Enclave and Boot: Dedicated on-board security hardware, secure boot Linux, and flexible secure storage for passwords, certificates, and data storage.

  • 45 mm x 30 mm
  • OSM Size-MF v1.2 standard form factor, 476 pins
  • 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB LPDDR4, up to 128 GB eMMC (16GB eMMC default)
  • 2x USB2.0, 2x Gbit Ethernet with IEEE® 1588 and TSN
  • Sona™ TI351 (TI’s CC3351) Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth, pre-certified wireless radio
  • Pin compatible with our full range of OSM-MF modules
  • Linux Yocto, Buildroot Linux, Android, Debian, or QNX. Optional Summit Suite OS
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照片提供方为 Ezurio



COMMON-OSM-KIT-AM62 — Development Kit = OSM Common Carrier Kit + CarbonAM62 Development Board


CARBONAM62-OSM-MF — TI AM62x based OSM-MF SOM: Dual Display, 3D Graphics, wireless module de-populated


CARBONAM62-OSM-MF-WIFI6 — TI AM62x based OSM-MF SOM: Dual Display, 3D Graphics, with TI CC3351 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 5.4

应遵守 TI 的评估模块标准条款与条件.


TI 不会为此硬件提供持续且直接的设计支持。要在设计期间获得支持,请联系 Ezurio.



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