用于 OMAP-L137/C6747 处理器的 Linux 软件开发套件 (SDK)




This Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a set of pre-tested system software components that enable OEMs to quickly develop applications based on the OMAP-L137 and TMS320C6747, TMS320C6745 and TMS320C6743 processors. The kit includes Linux and DSP/BIOS operating systems, middleware, device drivers, an application framework, and build tools. By making all the basic system software components immediately available, the Kit allows developers to focus on their application code, where they can add most differentiation. This software is free and does not require any run-time royalties.


Related Information:

See: Wiki - Getting Started Guide for OMAP-L137

See: Wiki - Getting Started Guide for TMS320C6747 

See: OMAP-L13x Forums - for quick answers to questions

See: TI E2E Community


The OMAP-L137x SDK combines all the software components and tools needed to begin development of Linux-based applications on the ARM and includes the following:


  • Linux Platform Support Package (PSP) - The PSP is available with the OMAP-L137/C6747 Floating-Point Starter Kit. This development kit is based on the community supported GNU/Linux. The SDK contains Linux kernel derived from DaVinci git (;a=summary ) and U-Boot originated from;a=summary. It also includes a sample filesystem generated from another community project - Arago ( ). The information about baseline chosen for each of the component in the SDK is available in the release notes. The package does not contain a toolchain. GNU toolchain for ARM processors from CodeSourcery ( ) is recommended.
  • MontaVista Linux (MVL) Professional Edition 5.0 - MVL Pro v5.0 is available in the OMAP-L137/C6747 Floating-Point Starter Kit. This is a demonstration copy of MVL Pro 5.00 with complete host (for example, build tools) and target file systems. MontaVista Pro 5.0 is based on the Linux 2.6.18 kernel. The demonstration copy may be shipped in production systems, but developers will typically need to optimize the file system contents for their application. Developers can optionally purchase the MontaVista DevRocket IDE, access to Developers can optionally purchase the MontaVista DevRocket IDE, access to updates and support documentation via the Monta Vista Zone, and the Monta Vista library optimization tool that simplifies customization of Linux configurations.
  • Linux Support Package (LSP) - The LSP contains the drivers for the on-chip peripherals for a OMAP-L137x/C674x device and EVM peripherals. Developers who require further technical details on the Linux drivers should go to the download page and reference the Driver Data Sheet for the specific LSP.
  • Bootloader - Bootloading (u-boot) software to boot Linux from a variety of peripherals.
  • DSP/BIOS Link - DSP/BIOS Link is ARM-DSP communication software that enables the ARM to bootload the DSP and for the two processors to pass messages and data buffers via shared memory.
  • Codec Engine Multimedia stack - The Codec Engine algorithm execution framework provides a consistent set of multimedia codec APIs, known as xDM, regardless of whether the codec is being executed on the ARM or DSP. Developers can integrate custom algorithms using a generic interface. For developers whose expertise is in Linux application development, Codec Engine enables developers to remotely instantiate and execute codecs and algorithms on the DSP without needing to write any DSP code.


To support the OMAP-L137 DSP core and the C674x devices, this software kit further includes a set of DSP components that allow developers to quickly leverage floating point DSP acceleration. If you are using Linux to manage connectivity functions and peripherals, you will not need all of these components:

  • Board-flashing Utilities
  • DSP/BIOS operating system - DSP/BIOS is a preemptive, multitasking, real-time kernel that simplifies creation of multithreaded DSP application
  • xDAIS Developer’s Kit - xDAIS and xDM are algorithm integration standards that make it easier to implement applications that must use multiple different codecs. Algorithms adhering to the xDAIS standard access shared resources such as internal memory and DMA through the framework, enabling the framework to prevent one codec overwriting the resources used by another. xDM provides standard APIs for different classes of codecs that enable an application to invoke, for example, MP3 or AAC decoders from different vendors without having to change any code
  • Framework Components - Framework Components are modules that simplify implementation of frameworks that wish to use xDAIS-compliant algorithms. • EDMA3 Driver: This driver provides APIs to utilize the powerful DSP-side DMA capabilities. The EDMA3 driver includes resource management support to enable developers to safely share DMA resources between different parts of the application.
  • DSP/BIOS File System - The DSP/BIOS file system is a FAT-compatible file system that enables easy exchange of data between DSP/BIOS-based applications and desktop systems. The file system provides both Posix and C STDIO file I/O interfaces to support easy porting of desktop applications. • DSP/BIOS USB Stack: The DSP/BIOS USB stack includes both host and device USB 2.0 stacks along with Mass Storage and Human Interface Device class drivers
  • Network Developer’s Kit - The NDK offers an IPv4 and IPv6-compliant TCP/IP networking stack, in addition to network applications such as HTTP, TELNET, FTP, and DHCP. The NDK supports a standard BSD socket interface enabling easy porting of additional networking applications. The NDK contains the DSP/BIOS driver for the on-chip EMAC
  • DSP/BIOS Processor Support Package - The DSP/BIOS Processor Support Package provides device drivers for OMAP-L137/C6747 on-chip peripherals, including storage peripherals.
  • EDMA3 Driver - This driver provides APIs to utilize the powerful DSP-side DMA capabilities. The EDMA3 driver includes resource management support to enable developers to safely share DMA resources between different parts of the application.


Although Codec Engine enables applications to use DSP-accelerated codecs without doing any DSP programming, developers who need to implement custom DSP applications will need to purchase TI's Code Composer Studio IDE and an emulator. These will allow development and debugging of applications on the DSP.

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软件开发套件 (SDK)

LINUXSDKOMAPL137 用于 OMAP-L137/C6747 处理器的 Linux SDK

LINUXSDKOMAPL137 用于 OMAP-L137/C6747 处理器的 Linux SDK

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TMDSOSKL137 OMAP-L137/TMS320C6747 浮点入门套件


CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ 集成式开发环境 (IDE)


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