软件开发套件 (SDK)
带触觉软件开发套件的 MSP430TCH5E 电容式触摸控制器
这是一款适用于 MSP430TCH5E HAPTOUCH Booster Pack 的软件开发套件。该软件开发套件中还包含采用电容式触控和 Immersion Touchsense 2200™ 触觉技术的 MSP430 Launchpad 软件(用于 PC 通信)和 PC 应用程序(用于体验 PC 游戏)。
了解有关 MSP430TCH5E HAPTOUCH Booster Pack 的详情。
- 完全可编程的 HAPTOUCH Boosterpack 软件开发套件。
- 采用 Immersion Tourchsense 2200 技术的 MSP430 触觉库。
- 有关在简单的应用程序中使用触觉库的代码示例
- \MSP430_Haptics_Library - Core haptics library
- HapticsLib.lib - A static library file containing the entire MSP430TCH5E Haptics Library
- HapticsLib.h - A header file allowing access to the library
- \HapTouch_BoosterPack
- \MSP430_One_Click_Download_Image - Default BoosterPack and LaunchPad firmware
- \MSP430_Source_Projects - Code Composer source projects for the one-click-download directory.
- \PC_Tools
- \HapTouch_GUI - PC tool to drive haptics and create new haptics sequences, and program them to the BoosterPack.
- \Touch2Key - Used with the gaming usage mode. Converts capacitive touch button presses to keystrokes, for use with online gaming sites.
- \PCB_Design_Files - The hardware files needed to create the board.
- \HapTouch_Eagle - Design files for use with EAGLE
- \Gerbers - Gerber files for building up your own boards
- BoosterPack.bat - Invokes the MSP430Flasher to download the default factory image to a BoosterPack, using a UIF430 FET Tool.
- LaunchPad.bat - Invokes the MSP430Flasher to download the LaunchPad software image to a G2553 mounted onto a G2 LaunchPad.
- HapTouch_Layout.pdf - A PDF of the layout
- HapTouch_Schematic.pdf - A PDF of the schematic
- HapTouch_BOM.txt - Bill of materials
- AppNote - HapTouch_BoosterPack
- Manifest.html
SLAC619 — MSP430TCH5E Code Examples
SLAC619 — MSP430TCH5E Code Examples
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