Limited quantities
TMDSCNCD28P65X is a prototype evaluation module and is available in limited quantities.
TMDSCNCD28P65X 是一款适用于 TI C2000™ MCU 系列 F28P65x 器件的低成本评估和开发板。该器件附带 HSEC180(180 引脚高速边缘连接器)controlCARD,非常适合用于初始评估和原型设计。进行 TMDSCNCD28P65X 评估时,需要一个 180 引脚扩展坞 TMDSHSECDOCK,后者可单独购买或捆绑在套件中。
USB A 公型转 USB Type-C™ 公型电缆
TMDSCNCD28P65X is a prototype evaluation module and is available in limited quantities.
C2000Ware DigitalPower SDK Quick Start Guide
Digital Power SDK for C2000™ microcontrollers (MCU) is a cohesive set of software infrastructure, tools, and documentation designed to minimize C2000 MCU based digital power system development time targeted for various AC-DC, DC-DC and DC-AC power supply applications.
MotorControl SDK for C2000™ real-time control microcontrollers (MCU) is a cohesive set of software infrastructure, tools, and documentation designed to minimize C2000 MCU based motor control system development time targeted for various three-phase motor control applications.
The C28x Academy (formerly, C2000 Academy) is a resource for developers to learn about C28x-based C2000 microcontrollers. The C28x Academy contains a wide range of learning content modules, links to related collateral documentation, and guided lab exercises that help provide a hands-on experience with the devices. The software solutions for these labs can be found within the device's software development kit (SDK).
C2000Ware DigitalPower SDK Quick Start Guide
Digital Power SDK for C2000™ microcontrollers (MCU) is a cohesive set of software infrastructure, tools, and documentation designed to minimize C2000 MCU based digital power system development time targeted for various AC-DC, DC-DC and DC-AC power supply applications.
MotorControl SDK for C2000™ real-time control microcontrollers (MCU) is a cohesive set of software infrastructure, tools, and documentation designed to minimize C2000 MCU based motor control system development time targeted for various three-phase motor control applications.
The C28x Academy (formerly, C2000 Academy) is a resource for developers to learn about C28x-based C2000 microcontrollers. The C28x Academy contains a wide range of learning content modules, links to related collateral documentation, and guided lab exercises that help provide a hands-on experience with the devices. The software solutions for these labs can be found within the device's software development kit (SDK).