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bq246xx Calculation Tool V1.5

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Latest version
Release date: Oct 31, 2010
Battery charger ICs
BQ24600 Standalone 1-6 cell Buck battery charge controller BQ24610 Standalone 1-6 cell Buck battery charge controller with 5V-28V input BQ24616 Standalone 1-6 cell Buck battery charge controller with JEITA compliance BQ24617 Standalone 1-5 cell Buck battery charge controller with 5V-24V input BQ24618 Standalone 1-6 cell Buck battery charge controller USB friendly with 5V-28V input BQ24620 Standalone 1-7 cell Buck battery charge controller for Lithium phosphate batteries BQ24630 Standalone 1-7 cell Buck battery charge controller for LiFePO4 batteries with system power BQ24640 Standalone 1-8 cell Buck battery charge controller for super capacitor BQ24650 Standalone 1-6 cell Buck battery charge controller with solar input and integrated MPPT

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