Bluetooth® Service Pack for CC256xC
The CC256xC Bluetooth Service Pack (SP) contains the mandatory initialization scripts (BTS files) that have platform specific configurations and bug fixes.
In addition, the Bluetooth Service Pack also contains companion files for the CC2564C device that are useful for testing and debugging. The Service Pack is composed of the following files:
- Init Script BTS file (initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26.bts)
- Init Script Add-ons
- Audio/Voice processing add-on (initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26_avpr_add-on.bts)
- BLE add-on (initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26.ble_add-on.bts)
- ILI file (TIInit_6.12.26.ili)
- XML file (TIInit_6.12.26.xml)
- License Agreement
- Readme / Release Notes
Note: The version in the file name is unique for combination of hardware and firmware, but is not updated per release. The version information is updated within the files.
Please start by reading the license agreement and readme file. The service pack files are described below.
- BTS file
- BTS is an abbreviation for Bluetooth script. The BTS file is a binary file that contains HCI commands and actions for the Texas Instruments Bluetooth Devices. HCI interface is bi-directional. For each HCI command sent from the host to the Bluetooth controller, the Bluetooth controller responds with an HCI Event. In order to simplify the format and procedures required to successfully execute these HCI commands, the BTS format is used. BTS files are distributed under Texas Instruments license. See the accompanying license file for more details.
- BTS functionality
- The primary usage of the BTS is to trigger the initialization sequence after the Bluetooth device powers up. The initialization script must be executed after every device power-up. BTS initialization scripts contain a section of memory write commands (written code to RAM) that perform as a software patch to fix potential ROM issues of the Bluetooth device. Although this is not the primary purpose of the BTS format, it can also be used in any scenario to load HCI commands to the Bluetooth device. BTS files may also be used for platform-related commands such as to enable deep-sleep mechanism, changing UART baud rate, audio configurations, etc. The BTS file is device specific and will only operate on the CC256xC devices listed below. The latest Bluetooth service pack for a CC256xB device can be found in the following link: [].
- ILI file
- The ILI file decodes Bluetooth firmware logger messages in a readable format. It is used by the logger tool included in the Wireless Tools software package.
- XML file
- The XML file describes the vendor specific HCI commands, events and their parameters. It is used by the HCITester and logger utilities included in the Wireless Tools software package.
- Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
- Sleep Enabled
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