Lincoln Technology Solutions LCD kits for MPU evaluation boards and development kits


Kit for evaluating LCD 10.1" LCD panels from Lincoln Technology Solutions that have been designed for maximum interoperability with the LVDS display output available on evaluation boards, single-board computers, and development kits for TI's AM6x family of Arm-based processors, starting with AM623 and AM625.

The LCD kits support connect either LCD185 or LCD217 to any of the following boards: SK-AM62, BEAGL-PLAY-SBC, PHYTC-3P-KIT-AM62. The PCB assemblies contained in this kit are LCD185, PCB-L0136, and PCB-L0152.

  • 10.1-inch LCD panel with 1920 x 1200 resolution
  • Adapter board for interface and LED backlight power included in kit (PCB-L0136)
  • AC to USB (5V) power supply with USB-A to USB-C cable
  • Manually adjustable potentiometer for setting maximum screen brightness (up to 1000 nits)
  • Mounting holes for BEAGL-PLAY-SBC, PHYTC-3P-KIT-AM62
  • Mounting holes for SK-AM62 mechanical adapter board (PCB-L0152)
  • 40-pin FFC included for connecting to compatible MPU boards
基于 Arm 的处理器
AM623 具有基于 Arm® Cortex®-A53 的对象和手势识别功能的物联网 (IoT) 和网关 SoC AM625 具有基于 Arm® Cortex®-A53 的边缘 AI 和全高清双显示的人机交互 SoC
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照片提供方为 Lincoln Technology Solutions


Third-party accessory

LCDK185-101CT — Kit for evaluating 10.1-in 1920 x 1200 LCD with touchscreen and flush cover glass

Third-party accessory

LCDK217-101CT — Kit for evaluating 10.1-in 1920 x 1200 LCD with touchscreen and oversized cover glass

应遵守 TI 的评估模块标准条款与条件.



BEAGL-PLAY-SBC 由 基金会提供的基于 AM62x 的 BeaglePlay® 单板计算机 PHYTC-3P-KIT-AM62 搭载 AM625 Arm® Sitara™ 处理器的 PHYTEC® phyBOARD®-AM62x 开发套件 SK-AM62 适用于 Sitara™ 处理器的 AM62x 入门套件


TI 不会为此硬件提供持续且直接的设计支持。要在设计期间获得支持,请联系 Lincoln Technology Solutions.



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