BeaglePlay 是一款开源单板计算机,旨在简化将传感器、执行器、指示器、人机界面以及连接添加到可靠的嵌入式系统的过程。它采用功能强大的 64 位四核处理器和创新的连接选项,包括 WiFi、千兆位以太网、Sub-1GHz 无线以及具有数据线供电功能的单线对以太网。BeaglePlay 与 1,000 个现成的插件和定制的 Debian Linux 映像兼容,可轻松实现扩展和定制。它还包含用于摄像头和触摸屏显示屏的带状电缆连接以及用于电池供电型实时时钟的插座,是人机界面设计的理想选择。BeaglePlay 具有极具竞争力的价格和用户友好的设计,可为用户提供良好的开发体验。
BeaglePlay 的实际应用包括:
- 楼宇/工业自动化网关
- 数字标牌
- 人机界面 (HMI)
- BeagleConnect 传感器网关
Sub-1GHz 无线 MCU
BEAGL-PLAY-SBC — BeaglePlay® single-board computer from the foundation based on AM62x
PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM62X — Processor SDK RT-Linux for AM62x
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x - RT-Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x SIP - RT-Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62xx-LP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x SIP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Jailhouse Hypervisor - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62xx-LP Jailhouse Hypervisor - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x SIP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x-LP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Buildroot - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT Beagleplay Yocto - SD card image
Get access to latest bug fixes and feature enhancements with Yocto build environment
基于 Arm 的处理器
Quick Start Guide for the AM62x/AM62xSIP Starter Kit (SK) board
Quick Start Guide for the Beagleplay board
Learn how to build embedded systems using AM62x processors
Yocto SDK user manual for developers
Instructions to build RT Linux image using Yocto build environment
Debian SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Buildroot SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Get the various RT Linux Performance Benchmarks for this release
Software manifest for Yocto Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x SIP
Software manifest for Yocto Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP/Beagleplay
Software manifest for Jailhouse Hypervisor RT - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62xSIP
Software manifest for Buildroot Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x
Build Sheet of supported features for AM62x/AM62LP/AM62SIP
Thank you for your interest in PROCESSOR SDK LINUX RT AM62X Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK is a Linux-RT only package. The Processor SDK is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and develop software across devices.
This release adds support for High Security - Field Securable (HS-FS) devices. For more information, please see the Migration Guide.
TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot
In order to improve access to the very latest bug fixes and feature enhancements, TI is enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for AM62x processors. The patches for these changes have always been available on public repositories hosted on, and these source repositories could be built using the Yocto build environment on a daily basis. The new TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot makes it even easier to consume these changes with pre-built binaries of Linux boot images to try out on TI Evaluation Modules (EVMs and SKs) before migrating or picking the patches. A detailed test report is also published to help users understand the status of the build and features being validated. The Linux boot images from a snapshot can be regenerated using sources by following the build instructions provided on the snapshot page.
The daily snapshot is not a replacement for the official Processors SDK releases which have full documentation, training and support. The snapshot is a new easy way to try bug fixes and feature enhancements planned for the next SDK while enabling much more tighter integration with customizations and application development. This improved integration should allow users to release their customized code built on the SDKs more quickly and confidently.
- Linux embedded software support
- Long Term Stable (LTS) RT Kernel update to 6.6.58-rt45
- U-boot 2024.04 based bootloaders with pre-intergrated early splash screen
- Yocto scarthgap (LTS) based build environment and filesystem
- Debian distribution and pre-built deb packages based on Trixie
- Buildroot 2024.05.3 based build environment and filesystem for AM62x
- Snagfactory support on AM62x using Snagboot
- Jailhouse Hypervisor based on LTS RT Kernel 6.6.58-rt45
- Yocto scarthgap based SD card image for Beagleplay with TI baseline of LTS RT Kernel 6.6.58-rt45 & U-boot 2024.04
PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM62X — Processor SDK Linux for AM62x
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x - Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x SIP - Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62LP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x SIP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Jailhouse Hypervisor - Yocto based SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62LP Jailhouse Hypervisor - Yocto based SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x SIP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x-LP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Buildroot - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX Beagleplay Yocto - SD card image
Get access to latest bug fixes and feature enhancements with Yocto build environment
基于 Arm 的处理器
Quick Start Guide for the AM62x/AM62xSIP Starter Kit (SK) board
Quick Start Guide for the Beagleplay board
Learn how to build embedded Linux systems using AM62 processors
Yocto SDK user manual for developers
Instructions to build Linux image using Yocto build environment
Debian SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Buildroot SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Get the various Linux Performance Benchmarks for this release
Software manifest for Yocto Linux - Processor SDK AM62x SIP
Software manifest for Yocto Linux - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP/Beagleplay
Software manifest for Jailhouse Hypervisor - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux - Processor SDK AM62xSIP
Software manifest for Buildroot Linux - Processor SDK AM62x
Build Sheet of supported features for AM62x/AM62LP/AM62SIP
Thank you for your interest in PROCESSOR SDK LINUX AM62X Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK is a Linux only package. The Processor SDK is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and develop software across devices.
This release adds support for High Security - Field Securable (HS-FS) devices. For more information, please see the Migration Guide.
TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot
In order to improve access to the very latest bug fixes and feature enhancements, TI is enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for AM62x processors. The patches for these changes have always been available on public repositories hosted on, and these source repositories could be built using the Yocto build environment on a daily basis. The new TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot makes it even easier to consume these changes with pre-built binaries of Linux boot images to try out on TI Evaluation Modules (EVMs and SKs) before migrating or picking the patches. A detailed test report is also published to help users understand the status of the build and features being validated. The Linux boot images from a snapshot can be regenerated using sources by following the build instructions provided on the snapshot page.
The daily snapshot is not a replacement for the official Processors SDK releases which have full documentation, training and support. The snapshot is a new easy way to try bug fixes and feature enhancements planned for the next SDK while enabling much more tighter integration with customizations and application development. This improved integration should allow users to release their customized code built on the SDKs more quickly and confidently.
- Linux embedded software support
- Long Term Stable (LTS) Kernel update to 6.6.58
- U-boot 2024.04 based bootloaders with pre-intergrated early splash screen
- Yocto scarthgap (LTS) based build environment and filesystem
- Debian distribution and pre-built deb packages based on Trixie
- Buildroot 2024.05.3 based build environment and filesystem for AM62x
- Snagfactory support on AM62x using Snagboot
- Jailhouse Hypervisor based on LTS Kernel 6.6.58
- Yocto scarthgap based SD card image for Beagleplay with TI baseline of LTS Kernel 6.6.58 & U-boot 2024.04
CLOCKTREE-AM62X — Clock tree configuration for AM62x
基于 Arm 的处理器
Clock tree configuration tool for AM62X
类型 | 标题 | 下载最新的英文版本 | 日期 | |||
更多文献资料 | Design files | 2023年 9月 6日 | ||||
更多文献资料 | System reference manual | 2023年 9月 6日 | ||||
证书 | Seeed/BeagleBoard Test Report for FCC ID Compliance | 2023年 6月 7日 | ||||
证书 | BEAGLE PLAY CE RED Test Report for CE Compliance | 2023年 6月 7日 | ||||
证书 | BEAGLE PLAY UKCA RED Test Report for UKCA RED Compliance | 2023年 6月 7日 | ||||
证书 | Seeed/BeagleBoard Test Report for FCC Compliance | 2023年 6月 6日 | ||||
证书 | Seeed/BeagleBoard Test Report for REACH/ROHS Compliance | 2023年 6月 6日 | ||||
证书 | BEAGLE PLAY EU EMC (EN 61000-3) Test Report | 2023年 4月 18日 |
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