Gas gauge chemistry updater
Chemistry Updater for Battery Management Studio (bqStudio) software
Chemistry Updater installer for bq Evaluation/bqEasy software
Important Note: The latest chemistry updater for bqStudio requires bqStudio 1.3.86 or higher. |
Instructions for bqStudio Chemistry database update:
- 1. Download the "bqStudio Chemistry Update zip" file and save with extension *.zip
- 2. Connect an impedance track(IT) enabled gauge to the PC and open Battery Management Studio(bqStudio). bqStudio must autodetect the gauge. Alternatively select impedance track enabled gauge from selection list.
- 3. From bqStudio "Help" menu select "Update Chemistry". When prompted point bqStudio to the downloaded zip file. Upon successful update, a confirmation message will be shown.
- 4. For chemistry updaters later than 1090, you must use bqStudio version 1.3.125 Build 10 or later.
Instructions for bqEVSW Chemistry database update:
- Run the installer to update the chemistry database used by bq Evaluation / bqEasy software