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TPS54J06x TPS54Jx20 TPS548x28-9 Excel Calculator Tool

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Release date: Aug 12, 2021
AC/DC & DC/DC converters (integrated FET)
TPS548A28 2.7-V to 16-V, 15-A synchronous buck converter with remote sense and 3-V LDO TPS548A29 2.7-V to 16-V, 15-A synchronous buck converter with remote sense and 4.5-V LDO TPS548B27 2.7-V to 16-V, 20-A synchronous step-down converter with differential remote sense TPS548B28 2.7-V to 16-V input, 20-A synchronous step-down converter with remote sense and hiccup current limit TPS54J060 4-V to 16-V input, 6-A synchronous buck converter, 900-mV reference voltage, latch-off current limit TPS54J061 4-V to 16-V input, 6-A synchronous buck converter, 600-mV reference voltage and hiccup current limit TPS54JA20 2.7-V to 16-V input, 12-A synchronous buck converter with remote sense and latch-off current limit TPS54JB20 2.7-V to 16-V input, 20-A synchronous buck converter with remote sense and latch-off current limit

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