TTC focus on the wireless communication technology and applications for many years, specializing in the application of product protocol stacks such as BLE, WIFI, NFC, Zigbee, Thread, system compatibility, multi-device interconnectivity, comprehensive role applications, and complex positioning algorithms.
HY-42R101CC and HY-42R101WC are Bluetooth low energy 5.2 module based TI CC2642R chipset with rich peripherals. Both have PIN-PIN design with CC2642-Q1 module.
The device is optimized for low-power wireless communication and advanced sensing in building security systems, HVAC, asset tracking, medical, wired networking, portable electronics, home theater & entertainment, and connected peripherals markets, and applications where industrial performance is required.
- Support for Bluetooth ® 5.2 features: LE Coded PHYs (Long Range), LE 2 Mbit PHY (High Speed).
- Advertising Extensions, Multiple Advertisement Sets, CSA#2, Diirection Finding, as well as backwards compatibility and support for key features from the Bluetooth ® 4.2 and earlier Low Energy specifications.
- Fully-qualified Bluetooth ® 5.2 software protocol stack included with the SimpleLink™LOWPOWER F2 Software Development Kit (SDK).
- Longer battery life wireless applications with low standby current of 0.94 µA with full RAM retention.
- Industrial temperature ready with lowest standby current of 11 µA at 105°C.
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
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