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Critical Link LLC
System on module vendor for TI Arm-based processors with in-house manufacturing and design services
Critical Link is a US-based embedded systems company offering System on Modules and scientific imaging platforms for electronic applications around the world. The MitySOM® and MityDSP® families incorporate DSP, FPGA, and ARM technologies, and are designed for long product lifespan and performance in the field.
Critical Link works with OEMs in a wide range of industries including test and measurement, medical, scientific, defense, and infrastructure. Critical Link also provides engineering expertise for our customers’ product development projects including hardware design, software development, prototyping, and production.
- パートナーへのお問い合わせ
- www.criticallink.com
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- 6712 Brooklawn Parkway
- Syracuse, NY 13211
- Syracuse, New York, 13211
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CRLNK-3P-MITYSOM-AM62 — Critical Link MitySOM-AM62 system on module for AM623 and AM625 Arm Cortex-A53 1.4-GHz processors
The module supports eMMC flash, Octal or Quad SPI NOR flash, and DDR4 RAM memory subsystems"
Brian's version: "The module includes on-board DDR4 RAM memory, with the option to populate eMMC Flash and Octal or Quad SPI NOR flash nonvolatile memory.
CRLNK-3P-MITYSOM-AM62A — AM62A3/AM62A7 の各プロセッサ向け、Critical Link の MitySOM-AM62A システム オン モジュール
MitySOM-AM62A ファミリのシステム オン モジュールは、AM62Ax プロセッサを搭載しています。このモジュールは、eMMC フラッシュ、オクタルまたはクワッド SPI NOR フラッシュ、LPDDR4 RAM メモリ サブシステムを搭載しています。MitySOM-AM62 は、高集積の組込みシステムに適した、包括的でフレキシブルな CPU インフラを実現します。
CRLNK-3P-SOMS — Critical Link system on modules for TI ARM-based Processors
Critical Link is a US-based embedded systems company offering System on Modules (SoMs) and scientific imaging platforms for electronic applications around the world. The MitySOM® and MityDSP® families incorporate DSP, FPGA, and ARM technologies, and are designed for long product lifespan and (...)