Phantom AI

Software-based autonomous driving solution provider

Founded by a team with deep automotive and AI expertise, Phantom AI provides a comprehensive autonomous driving platform featuring computer vision, sensor fusion and control capabilities to democratise the use of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) to reduce accidents, save lives and make driving more enjoyable, while delivering tomorrow's self-driving technology. Phantom AI has created the most accurate and highest-performing AI solutions for the TI TDA4x processors available today that meet car manufacturer requirements and combines TI's Deep Learning engine (TIDL) with Phantom's own multi-DSP/MMA scheduler for unrivaled accuracy and low latency for live ADAS camera functions.

A flexible, reliable, and scalable Deep Learning-based perception solution providing a comprehensive suite of ADAS features with the TDA4x processors ranging from GSR compliance up to L3. It supports vehicle, pedestrian, bicyclist, free-space, and traffic sign/light detection. It is a visual perception engine that enables single or multiple cameras to autonomously recognize road objects and sophisticated traffic directions in the vicinity of its driving path.

ADAS Features

  • 360° Vision
  • ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control)
  • AEB (Auto Emergency Braking)
  • LKAS (Lane Keeping Assist System)
  • TJA (Traffic Jam Assist)
  • TSR (Traffic Sign Recognition)
  • TLR (Traffic Light Recognition)
基于 Arm 的处理器
AM62A7-Q1 适用于 1-2 个摄像头、驾驶员监控、前置摄像头且具有 RGB-IR ISP 的 2TOPS 视觉 SoC TDA4AEN-Q1 适用于前置摄像头和驱动应用、具有 AI 功能的汽车级 ADAS SoC TDA4AL-Q1 通过摄像头和雷达传感器实现前置摄像头和 ADAS 域控制的汽车片上系统 TDA4VE-Q1 通过 AI 实现自动泊车和驾驶辅助、具有视觉预处理和 GPU 的汽车片上系统 TDA4VH-Q1 适用于传感器融合和 L2、L3 域控制器且具有图形、AI 和视频协处理器的汽车 SoC TDA4VM-Q1 适用于 L2、L3 和近场分析系统且采用深度学习的汽车片上系统 TDA4VP-Q1 适用于 L2、L3 域控制器、具有 Arm® Cortex®-A72、图形、AI、视频协处理器的汽车 SoC
  • 支持软件
  • 中国
  • 亚洲其他地区
  • 北美
  • 南美洲
  • 印度
  • 大洋洲
  • 日本
  • 欧洲
  • 非洲
  • 380 N Bernardo Ave
  • Mountain view, California, 94043
  • United States of America



PAI-3P-PHANTOMVISION — 在 Jacinto 处理器上运行且适用于 ADAS 汽车应用的 Phantom AI 视觉软件

PhantomVision™ is a scalable, flexible and reliable deep learning based computer vision solution that provides a comprehensive suite of Euro NCAP compliant ADAS features. It is a visual perception engine that enables a single or multiple cameras to autonomously recognize road objects and (...)


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