TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy CC2650 モジュール BoosterPack プラグイン・モジュール




The SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® low energy CC2650 Module BoosterPack plug-in module is the quick and easy way to add Bluetooth low energy to your LaunchPad™ development kit. Simply plug the CC2650 module BoosterPack kit into the MSP432™ microcontroller (MCU) LaunchPad kit to get started! The software example to get started with development is found here.

The CC2650 module BoosterPack kit is programmed with a wireless network processor software that allows you to add Bluetooth low energy connectivity to any application using simple UART interface. The module BoosterPack kit also includes a JTAG connection for programming and debugging the CC2650 module. This allows you to develop any Bluetooth low energy application on the CC2650 module.

Note: To use the software examples and the CC2650 Module BoosterPack, you also need a MSP432 LaunchPad kit. A bundle of the two EVMs is available.

  • Bluetooth low energy module BoosterPack kit using the CC2650 Module with integrated antenna
  • Includes software examples for MSP432 MCU as application processor
  • Pre-certified for FCC/IC, CE, and ARIB radio standards
  • Debug interface for development of any Bluetooth low energy application on module
  • Bluetooth 4.2 specification certified

低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
CC2630 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 Zigbee と 6LoWPAN ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2640 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 Bluetooth® Low Energy ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2650 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2650MODA 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・モジュール
ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ



BOOSTXL-CC2650MA — TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy CC2650 モジュール BoosterPack プラグイン・モジュール で取り扱いなし

SIMPLELINK-SDK-BLUETOOTH-PLUGIN — SimpleLink™ マイコン SDK 向け Bluetooth プラグイン


SIMPLELINK-SDK-BLUETOOTH-PLUGIN SimpleLink™ マイコン SDK 向け Bluetooth プラグイン

リリース日: 31 7 2019

Windows Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin


macOS Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin


Linux Installer for SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin

lock = エクスポートの承認が必要 (1 分)
Wi-Fi 製品
CC3220S セキュア・ブートと 256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® ワイヤレス・マイコン (MCU) CC3220SF 1MB フラッシュと 256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® ワイヤレス・マイコン (MCU) CC3235S 256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4 デュアル・バンド Wi-Fi® ワイヤレス・マイコン (MCU) CC3235SF 1MB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4 デュアル・バンド Wi-Fi® ワイヤレス・マイコン (MCU)
Arm Cortex-M4 マイコン
MSP432E401Y イーサネット、CAN、1MB フラッシュ、256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F マイコン (MCU) MSP432E411Y イーサネット、CAN、TFT LCD、1MB フラッシュ、256kB RAM 搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F マイコン
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
CC2640 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 Bluetooth® Low Energy ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2642R 352kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F Bluetooth® Low Energy ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2650 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2650MODA 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・モジュール CC2652R 352kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
BOOSTXL-CC2650MA TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy CC2650 モジュール BoosterPack プラグイン・モジュール LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 CC2640R2 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 CC26x2R SimpleLink™ マルチスタンダード ワイヤレス マイコン向け LaunchPad™ 開発キット
CC3220S-LAUNCHXL CC3220S LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL CC3220SF LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235S CC3235S dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235SF CC3235SF dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU MSP-EXP432E401Y MSP432E401Y LaunchPad™ development kit for Ethernet SimpleLink™ MCU


SimpleLink SDK BLE Plugin User's Guide


  • This version of the SimpleLink Bluetooth Plugin now enables a BLE two-chip solution to act as a GAP Central role. Previous versions of this plugin only included support for GAP Peripheral role. This new functionality is showcased through the addition of the new simple_central example, which uses the MSP432E401Y as the Host device and the CC26x2R1 as the NWP. The simple_central example demonstrates the following features:
    • Host: MSP432E401Y
    • NWP: CC26X2R1
    • GAP Central role support
    • Host Controller Interface (HCI) protocol used for communication with the NWP
    • BLE5 support
    • Power management
    • Low Energy Secure Connection (LESC) Pairing
    • Tested with up to 4 peripherals connected simultaneously (but can support more than 4 connections)
    • Supports a subset of TI Vendor Specific HCI commands and Bluetooth LE HCI commands/events. More information on these APIs can be found BLE Vendor Specific API Guide.
    • Works out-of-box with the Sensors BoosterPack and Project Zero examples that are also in the SimpleLink SDK Bluetooth Plugin.
    • The GAP Central source code is also showcased in a separate downloadable: the SimpleLink BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack. This example pack demonstrates enabling a user’s BLE two-chip solution to become a gateway to the Azure IoT cloud. The SimpleLink BLE Plugin Azure Gateway Example Pack can be found on


The SimpleLink™ SDK BLE Plugin is a companion software package that enables the use of a Bluetooth radio on any standard MSP432P4 platform, MSP432E4 or CC32XX platform, and enables this two-chip solution to act as either a GAP Peripheral role or a GAP Central role. By having the ability to seamlessly and modularly add Bluetooth functionality (more specifically Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE) to an embedded system, a programmer can enable their embedded device to become a gateway to various IOT infrastructures.

For examples demonstrating the two-chip solution in a peripheral role, the plugin leverages the use of the TI Simple Application Processor (SAP) driver connected to a CC26xx Simple Network Processor (SNP) to provide a highly customizable hardware configuration. For software connectivity between the SAP and the SNP, an architecture agnostic HAL/Drivers layer is used to promote software portability and maximize collateral reuse.

For examples demonstrating the two-chip solution in a central role, communication between the NWP and the Host occurs through a UART serial interface using the Host Controller Interface (HCI) protocol. TI Vendor Specific HCI commands and a limited subset of Bluetooth LE HCI commands/events to implement a Bluetooth application. By using TI Vendor Specific commands and events, the application can communicate with and access the BLE stack.


BLE-STACK-2-X — BLE-STACK - V2.2(CC2640 / CC2650 のサポート)


BLE-STACK-2-X BLE-STACK - V2.2(CC2640 / CC2650 のサポート)

リリース日: 19 9 2024


lock = エクスポートの承認が必要 (1 分)
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
CC2640 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 Bluetooth® Low Energy ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2650 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
BOOSTXL-CC2650MA TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy CC2650 モジュール BoosterPack プラグイン・モジュール
CC2650RC SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy/ZigBee® RF4CE™ CC2650 リモート・コントロール CC2650STK SimpleLink SensorTag LAUNCHXL-CC2650 SimpleLink™ CC2650 ワイヤレス・マイコン LaunchPad™ 開発キット


Archive Installers for Simplelink BLE 2 x SDK


This is version 2.2.8 of the TI Bluetooth® low energy protocol stack Software Development Kit (SDK). The BLE-Stack SDK allows for the development of single-mode Bluetooth low energy (BLE) applications on TI's first generation SimpleLink Bluetooth low energy CC2640 and Multi-Standard CC2650 wireless microcontroller units (MCUs) supporting version 5.1 of the Bluetooth specification with features defined by version 4.2 of the Bluetooth specification. The CC26x0 family of wireless MCUs includes a 32-bit Arm® Cortex™-M3 as the main application CPU running at 48 MHz, a dedicated Cortex-M0 processor for the radio / Physical Layer (PHY), and an autonomous Sensor Controller Engine for low-power sensing applications. The BLE protocol stack is built on top of the TI Real-time Operating System (TI-RTOS) which provides advanced power management and flexible peripheral driver capabilities allowing the development of highly optimized and power efficient standalone or network processor applications. The TI-RTOS SDK is installed during the BLE-Stack SDK installation.

Version 2.2.8 of the BLE-Stack is a maintenance update to TI's existing royalty-free Bluetooth low energy software protocol stack which is certified for Bluetooth specification version 5.1. This release includes support for all core specification version 4.2 Low Energy (LE) features as well as several development kits. This protocol stack update is in addition to support of all major Bluetooth LE core specification version 4.1 features, including support for up to 8 master or slave BLE connections. Please note that no Bluetooth 5 or Bluetooth 5.1 features are supported. A few examples of what can be created using the sample applications in this SDK and/or the additional resources found in the Examples section below include Bluetooth beacons incorporating the popular Apple iBeacon® and Eddystone™ formats, glucose, heart rate and fitness monitors, dongles for cable replacement via a BLE Serial Port Bridge and industrial motor monitors.

See What's New section for an overview of the changes included in this release. The Bluetooth core specification version 4.2 features supported in this release allow development of the most secure and power efficient products incorporating the Bluetooth low energy specification.


  • [PSIRT-129] The generate key functions (ECCROMCC26XX_genKeys, and ECC_generateKey) shall now validate the ECC key pair

CC26XX-REPORTS — CC26xx 規制認証レポート


CC26XX-REPORTS CC26xx 規制認証レポート

リリース日: 08 5 2023
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
CC2642R 352kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F Bluetooth® Low Energy ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2650MODA 128kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M3 マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・モジュール CC2651R3SIPA アンテナ内蔵、SimpleLink™ マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス SIP (システム イン パッケージ) モジュール CC2652PSIP パワー アンプ内蔵、SimpleLink™ マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス SIP (システム イン パッケージ) モジュール CC2652R 352kB フラッシュ搭載、SimpleLink™ 32 ビット Arm Cortex-M4F マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン CC2652RSIP 352kB メモリ搭載、SimpleLink™ マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス システム イン パッケージ モジュール
BOOSTXL-CC2650MA TI SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® Low Energy CC2650 モジュール BoosterPack プラグイン・モジュール LP-CC2651R3SIPA CC2651R3SIPA SimpleLink™ マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス SIP モジュール向け、LaunchPad™ 開発キット LP-CC2652PSIP CC2562PSIP SimpleLink™ マルチプロトコル 2.4GHz ワイヤレス SIP モジュール向け、LaunchPad™ 開発キット


Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & Japan Certification Reports

Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Certification Reports

Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK Certification Reports

Link to FCC, ISED, CE, & UK Certification Reports

Link to CC3230x-CC26x2EM-7ID Reference-Only CE & FCC Certification Reports


This page provides access to the CC26XX certification reports. Here you will find certification reports for both modules and EVMs. Note that module certification reports can be reused by the customer for regulatory compliance. However the customer should consult with their regulatory house to ensure they meet the requirements for certification at their product level. EVM certification reports are provided for reference only. When using a chip down version, the customer is responsible for their own certification.


  • Updated CC2651R3SIPAT0MOUR with Japan, Korea, and Tiawan reports
  • Updated CC2652RSIPMOT CE with missing safety report
TI の評価品に関する標準契約約款が適用されます。



= TI が選択した主要ドキュメント
すべて表示 9
種類 タイトル 英語版のダウンロード 日付
* ユーザー・ガイド CC2650 Module BoosterPack™ Getting Started Guide (Rev. A) 2016年 6月 29日
証明書 BOOSTXL-CC2650MA EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2019年 1月 2日
e-Book(PDF) TI-RSLK modules 1 - 20 (Rev. A) 2018年 5月 30日
その他の技術資料 Introduction: Sensor Integration 2017年 11月 17日
その他の技術資料 Lab: Sensor Integration 2017年 11月 17日
その他の技術資料 Jacki Project Lecture 2017年 11月 17日
ホワイト・ペーパー SimpleLink™ MSP432™ MCU for electronic lock and intrusion HMI keypad 2017年 9月 18日
アプリケーション・ノート Running Standalone Bluetooth® low energy Applications on CC2650 Module (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2017年 6月 7日
アプリケーション・ノート Running Standalone Bluetooth® low energy Applications on CC2650 Module 2017年 1月 18日



CC2650STK SimpleLink SensorTag LAUNCHXL-CC1350 CC1350 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink™ dual-band wireless MCU LAUNCHXL-CC2650 SimpleLink™ CC2650 ワイヤレス・マイコン LaunchPad™ 開発キット


BLE-STACK Bluetooth Low Energy ソフトウェア スタック


TIDC-SPPBLE-SW-RD UART から Bluetooth® への低エネルギー(BLE)ブリッジ、リファレンス・デザイン


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