

ダイナミック・パワー・マネージメント機能と 10.5V OVP 搭載、USB 対応 0.5A リチウムイオン・チャージャ


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BQ25185 アクティブ パワー パス搭載、ソーラー入力に対応、1 セル、1A、スタンドアロン リニア バッテリ チャージャ Higher charge current and wider Vin range option.
BQ21061 アクティブ 10nA のシップ・モードに対応、パワー・パスと安定化システム電圧と LDO 搭載、500mA、1 セルのリニア・チャージャ This product is a 500-mA 1-cell I2C linear charger with 10-nA IQ, power path and a LDO


Vin (min) (V) 4.35 Vin (max) (V) 10.2 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 28 Charge current (max) (A) 0.5 Control topology Linear Number of series cells 1 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Rating Catalog Features BAT temp thermistor monitoring (hot/cold profile), Input OVP, Power Path, VINDPM (Input voltage threshold to maximize adaptor power) Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 4.2 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 4.2 Control interface Standalone (RC-Settable) Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Vin (min) (V) 4.35 Vin (max) (V) 10.2 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 28 Charge current (max) (A) 0.5 Control topology Linear Number of series cells 1 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Rating Catalog Features BAT temp thermistor monitoring (hot/cold profile), Input OVP, Power Path, VINDPM (Input voltage threshold to maximize adaptor power) Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 4.2 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 4.2 Control interface Standalone (RC-Settable) Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGT) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Fully Compliant USB Charger
    • Selectable 100-mA and 500-mA Maximum Input Current
    • 100-mA Maximum Current Limit Ensures Compliance to USB-IF Standard
    • Input-based Dynamic Power Management (VIN- DPM) for Protection Against Poor USB Sources
  • 28-V Input Rating With Overvoltage Protection
  • Integrated Dynamic Power-Path Management (DPPM) Function Simultaneously and Independently Powers the System and Charges the Battery
  • Supports up to 500-mA Charge Current With Current Monitoring Output (ISET)
  • Programmable Input Current Limit up to 500 mA for Wall Adapters
  • Programmable Termination Current (bq24232)
  • Programmable Precharge and Fast-Charge Safety Timers
  • Reverse Current, Short-Circuit, and Thermal Protection
  • NTC Thermistor Input
  • Proprietary Start-Up Sequence Limits Inrush Current
  • Status Indication – Charging/Done, Power Good
  • Small 3 mm × 3 mm 16-Lead QFN Package
  • Fully Compliant USB Charger
    • Selectable 100-mA and 500-mA Maximum Input Current
    • 100-mA Maximum Current Limit Ensures Compliance to USB-IF Standard
    • Input-based Dynamic Power Management (VIN- DPM) for Protection Against Poor USB Sources
  • 28-V Input Rating With Overvoltage Protection
  • Integrated Dynamic Power-Path Management (DPPM) Function Simultaneously and Independently Powers the System and Charges the Battery
  • Supports up to 500-mA Charge Current With Current Monitoring Output (ISET)
  • Programmable Input Current Limit up to 500 mA for Wall Adapters
  • Programmable Termination Current (bq24232)
  • Programmable Precharge and Fast-Charge Safety Timers
  • Reverse Current, Short-Circuit, and Thermal Protection
  • NTC Thermistor Input
  • Proprietary Start-Up Sequence Limits Inrush Current
  • Status Indication – Charging/Done, Power Good
  • Small 3 mm × 3 mm 16-Lead QFN Package

The bq2423x series of devices are highly integrated Li-ion linear chargers and system power-path management devices targeted at space-limited portable applications. The devices operate from either a USB port or ac adapter and support charge currents between 25 mA and 500 mA. The high-input-voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports low-cost, unregulated adapters. The USB input current limit accuracy and start-up sequence allow the bq2423x to meet USB-IF inrush current specification. Additionally, the input dynamic power management (VIN-DPM) prevents the charger from crashing poorly designed or incorrectly configured USB sources.

The bq2423x features dynamic power-path management (DPPM) that powers the system while simultaneously and independently charging the battery. The DPPM circuit reduces the charge current when the input current limit causes the system output to fall to the DPPM threshold, thus supplying the system load at all times while monitoring the charge current separately. This feature reduces the number of charge and discharge cycles on the battery, allows for proper charge termination, and enables the system to run with a defective or absent battery pack. Additionally, this enables instant system turn-on even with a totally discharged battery. The power-path management architecture also permits the battery to supplement the system current requirements when the adapter cannot deliver the peak system currents, enabling the use of a smaller adapter.

The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. In all charge phases, an internal control loop monitors the IC junction temperature and reduces the charge current if the internal temperature threshold is exceeded.

The charger power stage and charge current sense functions are fully integrated. The charger function has high-accuracy current and voltage regulation loops, charge status display, and charge termination. The input current limit and charge current are programmable using external resistors.

The bq2423x series of devices are highly integrated Li-ion linear chargers and system power-path management devices targeted at space-limited portable applications. The devices operate from either a USB port or ac adapter and support charge currents between 25 mA and 500 mA. The high-input-voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports low-cost, unregulated adapters. The USB input current limit accuracy and start-up sequence allow the bq2423x to meet USB-IF inrush current specification. Additionally, the input dynamic power management (VIN-DPM) prevents the charger from crashing poorly designed or incorrectly configured USB sources.

The bq2423x features dynamic power-path management (DPPM) that powers the system while simultaneously and independently charging the battery. The DPPM circuit reduces the charge current when the input current limit causes the system output to fall to the DPPM threshold, thus supplying the system load at all times while monitoring the charge current separately. This feature reduces the number of charge and discharge cycles on the battery, allows for proper charge termination, and enables the system to run with a defective or absent battery pack. Additionally, this enables instant system turn-on even with a totally discharged battery. The power-path management architecture also permits the battery to supplement the system current requirements when the adapter cannot deliver the peak system currents, enabling the use of a smaller adapter.

The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. In all charge phases, an internal control loop monitors the IC junction temperature and reduces the charge current if the internal temperature threshold is exceeded.

The charger power stage and charge current sense functions are fully integrated. The charger function has high-accuracy current and voltage regulation loops, charge status display, and charge termination. The input current limit and charge current are programmable using external resistors.

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star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
10 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート bq2423x USB-Friendly Lithium-Ion Battery Charger And Power-Path Management IC データシート (Rev. J) PDF | HTML 2017年 4月 8日
アプリケーション・ノート Configuring Standalone Linear Power Path Chargers (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2020年 4月 6日
アプリケーション・ノート BQ2423X external NTC control reference design 2019年 3月 22日
セレクション・ガイド 電源 IC セレクション・ガイド 2018 (Rev. R 翻訳版) 英語版 (Rev.R) 2018年 9月 13日
アプリケーション・ノート Dynamic Power-Path Mgmt & Dynamic Power Mgmt (Rev. A) 2018年 5月 1日
ユーザー・ガイド bq24072/3/4/5/9(T) and bq24230/2 1.5-A Single-Chip Li-Ion (Rev. E) 2017年 1月 3日
Analog Design Journal Battery-charging considerations for low-power applications 2016年 4月 26日
製品概要 Battery Management Solutions for Wearable and Fitness Devices (Rev. C) 2014年 8月 18日
その他の技術資料 Adapting Qi-compliant wireless-power solutions to low-power wearable products 2014年 6月 6日
アプリケーション・ノート Selecting the Best bq2407x/23x Single Cell Battery Charger for your Application 2012年 11月 8日




BQ24232EVM — BQ24232 評価モジュール

This user’s guide describes the bq24072/3/4/5 and bq24320/2 (bqTiny-III™) evaluation module (EVM). The EVM provides a convenient method for evaluating the performance of a charge management and system power solution for portable applications using the bq24072/3/4/5 and bq24320/2 product (...)

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Linear Charger NTC Calculator

SLUC670.ZIP (350 KB)

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パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
VQFN (RGT) 16 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点

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