

USB、調整可能な電圧、1.5A OTG 対応、I2C 制御、1 セル、3A バッテリ・チャージャ


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BQ25620 アクティブ 最大 18V 入力、ADC 内蔵、OTG 出力採用、I²C 制御、1 セル、3.5A 降圧バッテリ チャージャ BQ25620 is a wide VIN range and lower quiescent current option.


Vin (min) (V) 3.9 Vin (max) (V) 6.2 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 15 Charge current (max) (A) 3 Control topology Switch-Mode Buck Number of series cells 1 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Rating Catalog Features BAT temp thermistor monitoring (hot/cold profile), IC thermal regulation, IINDPM (Input current limit), Input OVP, Power Path, USB D+/D-/BC1.2 integrated, USB OTG integrated Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 3.5 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 4.44 Control interface I2C Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Vin (min) (V) 3.9 Vin (max) (V) 6.2 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 15 Charge current (max) (A) 3 Control topology Switch-Mode Buck Number of series cells 1 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Rating Catalog Features BAT temp thermistor monitoring (hot/cold profile), IC thermal regulation, IINDPM (Input current limit), Input OVP, Power Path, USB D+/D-/BC1.2 integrated, USB OTG integrated Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 3.5 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 4.44 Control interface I2C Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGE) 24 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • 90% High Efficiency Switch Mode 3-A Charger
  • 3.9-V to 6.2-V Single Input USB-Compliant Charger with 6.4-V Over-Voltage Protection
    • USB Host or Charging Port D+/D– Detection Compatible to USB Battery Charger Spec (BC1.2)
    • Support Non-Standard 2-A/1-A Adapters Detection
    • Input Voltage and Current Limit Supports USB2.0 and USB 3.0
    • Input Current Limit: 100 mA, 150 mA, 500 mA, 900 mA, 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, and 3 A
  • Synchronous Boost Converter in Battery Boost Mode with
    • Adjustable Output 4.55 V – 5.5 V at 1.5 A
    • 90% 5.1-V Boost Mode Efficiency
    • Fast OTG Startup (22 ms Typ)
  • Narrow VDC (NVDC) Power Path Management
    • Instant System On with No Battery or Deeply Discharged Battery
    • Ideal Diode Operation in Battery Supplement Mode
  • 1.5-MHz Switching Frequency for Low Profile 1.2-mm Inductor
  • I2C Port for Optimal System Performance and Status Reporting
  • Autonomous Battery Charging with or without Host Management
    • Battery Charge Enable
    • Battery Charge Preconditioning
    • Charge Termination and Recharge
  • High Accuracy
    • ±0.5% Charge Voltage Regulation
    • ±7% Charge Current Regulation
    • ±7.5% Input Current Regulation
    • ±3% Output Voltage Regulation in Boost Mode
  • High Integration
    • Power Path Management
    • Synchronous Switching MOSFETs
    • Integrated Current Sensing
    • Bootstrap Diode
    • Internal Loop Compensation
  • Safety
    • Battery Temperature Sensing for Charging and Discharging in Boost Mode
    • Battery Charging Safety Timer
    • Thermal Regulation and Thermal Shutdown
    • Input and System Over-Voltage Protection
    • MOSFET Over-Current Protection
  • Charge Status Outputs for LED or Host Processor
  • Maximum Power Tracking Capability by Input Voltage Regulation
  • 20-µA Low Battery Leakage Current and Support Shipping Mode
  • 4mm × 4mm VQFN-24 Package
  • 90% High Efficiency Switch Mode 3-A Charger
  • 3.9-V to 6.2-V Single Input USB-Compliant Charger with 6.4-V Over-Voltage Protection
    • USB Host or Charging Port D+/D– Detection Compatible to USB Battery Charger Spec (BC1.2)
    • Support Non-Standard 2-A/1-A Adapters Detection
    • Input Voltage and Current Limit Supports USB2.0 and USB 3.0
    • Input Current Limit: 100 mA, 150 mA, 500 mA, 900 mA, 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, and 3 A
  • Synchronous Boost Converter in Battery Boost Mode with
    • Adjustable Output 4.55 V – 5.5 V at 1.5 A
    • 90% 5.1-V Boost Mode Efficiency
    • Fast OTG Startup (22 ms Typ)
  • Narrow VDC (NVDC) Power Path Management
    • Instant System On with No Battery or Deeply Discharged Battery
    • Ideal Diode Operation in Battery Supplement Mode
  • 1.5-MHz Switching Frequency for Low Profile 1.2-mm Inductor
  • I2C Port for Optimal System Performance and Status Reporting
  • Autonomous Battery Charging with or without Host Management
    • Battery Charge Enable
    • Battery Charge Preconditioning
    • Charge Termination and Recharge
  • High Accuracy
    • ±0.5% Charge Voltage Regulation
    • ±7% Charge Current Regulation
    • ±7.5% Input Current Regulation
    • ±3% Output Voltage Regulation in Boost Mode
  • High Integration
    • Power Path Management
    • Synchronous Switching MOSFETs
    • Integrated Current Sensing
    • Bootstrap Diode
    • Internal Loop Compensation
  • Safety
    • Battery Temperature Sensing for Charging and Discharging in Boost Mode
    • Battery Charging Safety Timer
    • Thermal Regulation and Thermal Shutdown
    • Input and System Over-Voltage Protection
    • MOSFET Over-Current Protection
  • Charge Status Outputs for LED or Host Processor
  • Maximum Power Tracking Capability by Input Voltage Regulation
  • 20-µA Low Battery Leakage Current and Support Shipping Mode
  • 4mm × 4mm VQFN-24 Package

The bq24295 is a highly-integrated switch-mode battery charge management and system power path management devices for 1 cell Li-Ion and Li-polymer battery in a wide range of power bank, tablet and other portable device applications.

Its low impedance power path optimizes switch-mode operation efficiency, reduces battery charging time and extends battery life during discharging phase. The I2C serial interface with charging and system settings makes the device a truly flexible solution.

The device supports 3.9V – 6.2V USB input sources, including standard USB host port and USB charging port with 6.4V over-voltage protection. The bq24295 is compliant with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 power specifications with input current and voltage regulation. To set the default input current limit, the bq24295 detects the input source through D+/D– detection following the USB battery charging spec 1.2. In addition, the bq24295 detects non-standard 2A/1A adapters. The bq24295 supports battery boost operation by supplying adjustable voltage 4.55 – 5.5V (default 5.1V) on PMID pin with minimum current of 1.5A.

The power path management regulates the system slightly above battery voltage but does not drop below 3.5V minimum system voltage (programmable). With this feature, the system maintains operation even when the battery is completely depleted or removed. When the input current limit or voltage limit is reached, the power path management automatically reduces the charge current to zero. As the system load continues to increase, the power path discharges the battery until the system power requirement is met. This supplement mode operation prevents overloading the input source.

The devices initiate and complete a charging cycle without software control. It automatically detects the battery voltage and charges the battery in three phases: pre-conditioning, constant current and constant voltage. At the end of the charging cycle, the charger automatically terminates when the charge current is below a preset limit in the constant voltage phase. When the full battery falls below the recharge threshold, the charger will automatically start another charging cycle.

The devices provide various safety features for battery charging and system operation, including negative thermistor monitoring, charging safety timer and over-voltage/over-current protections. The thermal regulation reduces charge current when the junction temperature exceeds 120°C (programmable).

The STAT output reports the charging status and any fault conditions. The INT immediately notifies the host when a fault occurs.

The bq24295 is available in a 24-pin, 4×4 mm2 thin VQFN package.

The bq24295 is a highly-integrated switch-mode battery charge management and system power path management devices for 1 cell Li-Ion and Li-polymer battery in a wide range of power bank, tablet and other portable device applications.

Its low impedance power path optimizes switch-mode operation efficiency, reduces battery charging time and extends battery life during discharging phase. The I2C serial interface with charging and system settings makes the device a truly flexible solution.

The device supports 3.9V – 6.2V USB input sources, including standard USB host port and USB charging port with 6.4V over-voltage protection. The bq24295 is compliant with USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 power specifications with input current and voltage regulation. To set the default input current limit, the bq24295 detects the input source through D+/D– detection following the USB battery charging spec 1.2. In addition, the bq24295 detects non-standard 2A/1A adapters. The bq24295 supports battery boost operation by supplying adjustable voltage 4.55 – 5.5V (default 5.1V) on PMID pin with minimum current of 1.5A.

The power path management regulates the system slightly above battery voltage but does not drop below 3.5V minimum system voltage (programmable). With this feature, the system maintains operation even when the battery is completely depleted or removed. When the input current limit or voltage limit is reached, the power path management automatically reduces the charge current to zero. As the system load continues to increase, the power path discharges the battery until the system power requirement is met. This supplement mode operation prevents overloading the input source.

The devices initiate and complete a charging cycle without software control. It automatically detects the battery voltage and charges the battery in three phases: pre-conditioning, constant current and constant voltage. At the end of the charging cycle, the charger automatically terminates when the charge current is below a preset limit in the constant voltage phase. When the full battery falls below the recharge threshold, the charger will automatically start another charging cycle.

The devices provide various safety features for battery charging and system operation, including negative thermistor monitoring, charging safety timer and over-voltage/over-current protections. The thermal regulation reduces charge current when the junction temperature exceeds 120°C (programmable).

The STAT output reports the charging status and any fault conditions. The INT immediately notifies the host when a fault occurs.

The bq24295 is available in a 24-pin, 4×4 mm2 thin VQFN package.

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star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート bq24295 I2C Controlled 3A Single Cell USB Charger With Narrow VDC 4.5-5.5V Adjustable Voltage at 1.5A Synchronous Boost Operation データシート (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2016年 12月 30日
アプリケーション・ノート Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching Battery Chargers PDF | HTML 2022年 11月 10日
アプリケーション・ノート USB D+/D- Input Current Limit Detection PDF | HTML 2020年 12月 30日
セレクション・ガイド 電源 IC セレクション・ガイド 2018 (Rev. R 翻訳版) 英語版 (Rev.R) 2018年 9月 13日
Analog Design Journal Extract maximum power from the supply when charging a battery 2014年 4月 11日
EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) bq24295EVM-549 (PWR549) User's Guide (Rev. B) 2014年 4月 3日




BQ24295EVM-549 — I2C 制御、3 A シングル・セル・チャージャ評価モジュール、可変電圧で 1.5 A の OTG 付き

I2C Controlled 2.5A Single Cell Charger with Narrow VDC Power Path Management and USB OTG, 5V and 1.5 ADC maximum

The BQ24295EVM-549 requires USB Interface Adaptive Evaluation Module “USB-TO-GPIO” for I2C interface. If one is not already available to you and I2C is needed then one can be (...)

ユーザー ガイド: PDF

TI-CHARGER-GUI — USB2ANY と組み合わせて使用する GUI ソフトウェアと、複数のバッテリ充電評価基板

TI-CHARGER-GUI は、Web ベースまたはスタンドアロンのグラフィカル・ユーザー・インターフェイス (GUI) を実現し、各種バッテリ・チャージャ製品の評価、設計、構成、テストの各プロセスを支援します。このソフトウェアを使用すると、各レジスタへの包括的なアクセスや、コマンドの送信とシーケンス制御用の使いやすいインターフェイスが得られます。

SLUC495 bq24295, 96, 97 V0003 Setup Software



バッテリ・チャージャ IC
BQ24295 USB、調整可能な電圧、1.5A OTG 対応、I2C 制御、1 セル、3A バッテリ・チャージャ BQ24296 調整可能な電圧、USB OTG 対応、最小のシステム・レギュレーション、1 セル、3A、I2C 制御、降圧チャージャ BQ24297 USB NVDC-1、調整可能な電圧、D+/D- 採用の USB OTG 対応、I2C 制御、1 セル、3A バッテリ・チャージャ
BQ24295EVM-549 I2C 制御、3 A シングル・セル・チャージャ評価モジュール、可変電圧で 1.5 A の OTG 付き BQ24296EVM-021 I2C 制御、3 A、シングル・セル、USB NVDC-1 チャージャの評価モジュール、可変電圧 USB OTG 付き BQ24297EVM-021 I2C 制御、3 A、シングル・セル、USB NVDC-1 チャージャの評価モジュール、可変電圧 USB OTG 付き
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
VQFN (RGE) 24 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点

推奨製品には、この TI 製品に関連するパラメータ、評価基板、またはリファレンス デザインが存在する可能性があります。


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