The TMP-I2C-CLICK family of MikroE Click board™ products are compact add-on boards that accurately measure temperature. These boards feature the digital temperatures with an I2C interface for communicating with a host processor. Each temperature sensor selected has a specified resolution (accuracy) and range based on the sensing technology and ADC used for conversion. These Click board™ products are suitable for extended temperature measurement in various communication, computer, consumer, environmental, industrial, and instrumentation applications.
All TMP-I2C-CLICK products are supported by a mikroSDK compliant library, which includes functions that simplify software development. The Click board™ products comes fully tested, ready to be used on a system equipped with the mikroBUS™ socket.
The Click board™ products selected are enabled with ClickID, a 1-Wire® interface for delivering power and reading from EEPROM to identify the attached peripheral device.
- Click board: PCB Width = 25.4-mm; Length = 28.6 mm (size S), 42.9 mm (size M)
- mikroBUS™ standard, I2C: SDA = pin 11, SCL = pin 12
- I2C digital temperature sensors
- Additional features enabled based on device (address selection, GPIOs, LED indicators)
- Supply Voltage Range: 3.3V or 5V
- ClickID enabled with 1-Wire® interface for automated identification by EEPROM
- Plug&Play with manifest and Linux driver
THERMO-3-CLICK — 具有 ClickID、采用 TMP102 I2C 温度传感器的 MIKROE-5703 S 尺寸 mikroBUS™ Click board™
THERMO-27-CLICK — 具有 ClickID、采用 TMP114 I2C 温度传感器的 MIKROE-5509 S 尺寸 mikroBUS™ Click board™
TEMP-ALARM-CLICK — 具有 ClickID、采用 TMP4718 I2C 温度传感器的 MIKROE-5872 M 尺寸 mikroBUS™ Click board™
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