GaN-based 8kW three-phase totem-pole power factor correction and three-phase LLC reference design
This reference design is a high-density and high-efficiency 8kW power supply. The first stage is a triangular conduction mode (TCM) power factor correction (PFC) converter followed by a delta-delta connected three-phase inductor-inductor-capacitor (LLC) converter. Both power stages are implemented with TI high-performance Gallium Nitride (GaN) power switches. The PFC uses a three-phase totem pole PFC in a zero-current detection (ZCD) based control mechanism. The control method operates with variable frequency and maintains zero voltage switching (ZVS) overall operating conditions. The control is implemented with a TMS320F280039C high performance microcontroller and the LMG3527R030 GaN field-effect transistor (FET) with integrated ZCD sensing. The operating frequency range of the converter is approximately between 70kHz and 1.2MHz. The LLC operates between 200kHz and 1.5MHz. The delta-delta resonant tank connection provides reduced root-mean-square (RMS) currents. Control is implemented with a TMS320F28P550SJ high-performance microcontroller. The LLC uses LMG3527R030 GaN FETs on the primary and LMG3100R017 GaN FETs on the secondary.
- Peak efficiency at full load: 97.5%
- Dimensions: 700mm × 68.5mm × 32mm
出力電圧オプション | PMP23547.1 | PMP23547.2 |
Vin (Min) (V) | 180 | 440 |
Vin (Max) (V) | 305 | 460 |
Vout (Nom) (V) | 450 | 48 |
Iout (Max) (A) | 18 | 170 |
Output Power (W) | 8100 | 8160 |
Isolated/Non-Isolated | Non-Isolated | Isolated |
Input Type | AC | DC |
Topology | Boost- PFC | Full Bridge- LLC |
設計や代替製品候補に TI 製品を含めます。
TMS320F280039C — 384KB フラッシュと FPU (浮動小数点演算ユニット) と CLA (制御補償器アクセラレータ) 付き TMU (三角関数算術演算ユニット) と CLB (構成可能ロジック ブロック) と AE
データシート: PDF | HTMLTMS320F28P550SJ — 1 個の C28x + 1 個の CLA、150MHz、1.1MB フラッシュ、5 個の ADC、CLB、AES と NPU 搭載、C2000™ 32 ビット マイコン
データシート: PDF | HTML技術資料
種類 | タイトル | 英語版のダウンロード | 日付 | |||
試験報告書 | GaN-Based 8kW 3-Phase Totem-Pole PFC and 3-Phase LLC Reference Design | PDF | HTML | 2025年 3月 10日 |