BDE Technology Inc.

Wireless connectivity solution provider

BDE Technology was founded in 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. The company specializes in wireless technologies, particularly Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, Zigbee, Thread, Sub-1 GHz, Wi-SUN, Amazon Sidewalk, Matter, RFID and NB-IoT etc. BDE is committed to providing wireless IoT modules and solutions to OEMs, system integrators, device manufacturers and solution providers worldwide. 

BDE is a Texas Instruments (TI) authorized third party module provider. BDE provides across-the-board TI wireless modules. For every TI wireless IC, BDE builds a series of modules around it. Working closely with TI wireless BU, BDE synchronizes the module development progress with that of the chips. The modules are sampled and released to the market at the same time as the ICs.

BDE is a Bluetooth SIG recommended service provider for Prequalified Components, OEM & ODM Products & Reference Designs and Software Application Development.

Equipped with BDE’s innovative products and outstanding services which include wireless modules, HW/SW custom design services, certification services and world class expertise, customers are able to shorten development cycles, reduce design uncertainty, lower market risk, minimize cost, and release more competitive products into markets quickly. BDE`s flexible, highly integrated products and solutions are able to be customized to the most demanding requirements in numerous IoT devices and applications in the fields of industrial automation, medical and health care, automotive, smart energy, smart building, home automation, sports & fitness and consumer electronics etc.

Wi-Fi 产品
CC2564C 具有基本速率 (BR)、增强数据速率 (EDR) 和低功耗 (LE) 模块的 Bluetooth® 5.1 CC3300 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi 6 配套 IC CC3301 SimpleLink™ 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4 companion IC CC3350 SimpleLink™ 双频带(2.4GHz 和 5GHz)Wi-Fi 6 配套 IC CC3351 SimpleLink™ dual-band (2.4 and 5GHz) Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4 companion IC


低功耗 2.4GHz 产品
CC2340R2 具有 256kB 闪存的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm® Cortex®-M0+ 2.4GHz 无线 MCU CC2340R5 具有 512kB 闪存的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm® Cortex®-M0+ 2.4GHz 无线 MCU
  • 子卡
  • 中国
  • 亚洲其他地区
  • 北美
  • 日本
  • 欧洲
  • 非洲
  • 67 E Madison St
  • #1603A
  • Chicago, Illinois, 60603
  • United States



BDE-3P-BD2564CX — BDE BD2564Cx 无线模块

BDE-3P-BD2564Cx 模块是基于 TI CC2564C 的蓝牙 5.1 基本速率 (BR)、增强数据速率 (EDR) 和低功耗 (LE) 双模收发器模块。这些模块具有出色的射频性能、高达 +10dBm 的发射功率以及高达 -93dBm 的接收灵敏度。经过认证并免专利费的双模蓝牙 5.1 协议软件栈和配置文件以及各种示例应用,有助于减少设计工作量并确保产品更快上市。该模块提供两种具有不同天线选项的型号:一种是 ANT 引脚用于外部天线,一种是集成 PCB 迹线天线。


BDE-3P-BW330X — BDE BW330x 无线模块

BDE-3P-BW330x 模块是基于 TI CC3301/CC3300 的 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 6 和(低功耗 Bluetooth® 组合)无线模块。这些模块非常适合用于运行 TCP/IP 的 Linux 或 RTOS 主机的成本敏感型嵌入式应用(应用吞吐量要求高达 50Mbps)。提供的不同型号可满足各种集成要求。这些模块提供三种天线选项:ANT 引脚用于外部天线,U.FL 连接器用于外部天线,以及集成的 PCB 迹线天线。工作温度范围为 -40℃ 至 +85℃,且“-IN”(扩展工业级)型号具有 -40℃ 至+105℃ 的扩展工作温度范围。提供三种外形:常规尺寸 LGA (...)


BDE-3P-BW335X — BDE BW335x 无线模块

BDE-3P-BW335x 模块是基于 TI CC3351/CC3350 的 2.4GHz & 5GHz 双频带 Wi-Fi 6(和低功耗 Bluetooth® 组合)无线模块。这些模块非常适合用于运行 TCP/IP 的 Linux 或 RTOS 主机的成本敏感型嵌入式应用(应用吞吐量要求高达 50Mbps)。提供的不同型号可满足各种集成要求。这些模块提供三种天线选项:ANT 引脚用于外部天线,U.FL 连接器用于外部天线,以及集成的 PCB 迹线天线。工作温度范围为 -40℃ 至 +85℃,且“-IN”(扩展工业级)型号具有 -40℃ 至+105℃ (...)


BDE-3P-LE2340 — BDE LE2340 无线模块

BDE-3P-LE2340 modules are Bluetooth® 5.3 Low Energy wireless modules based on the CC2340R. With their low cost and exceptional RF and power consumption performance, these modules are ideal for applications that are cost-sensitive and require extended battery life. Multiple variants are available to (...)


BDE-3P-SUB1GHZ — BDE 低于 1GHz 模块

BDE Technology, Inc. 是 TI 认证的第三方模块提供商。BDE 的模块基于 TI 的 CC1XXX 低于 1GHz 无线连接产品,使客户能够缩短开发周期、减少设计不确定性、降低产品成本并高效发布具有竞争力的产品。BDE 专门向全球 OEM、系统集成商、设备制造商和解决方案提供商提供超低功耗无线通信技术,如 Amazon Sidewalk、Wi-SUN、mioty 和无线 M-Bus。


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