
Jitter (ps) 50 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 108 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Jitter (ps) 50 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 108 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
TSSOP (PW) 28 62.08 mm² 9.7 x 6.4
  • One-Chip Digital Audio Interface Receiver (DIR)
    Including Low-Jitter Clock-Recovery System
  • Compliant With Digital Audio Interface Standards:
    IEC60958 (former IEC958), JEITA CPR-1205
    (former EIAJ CP-1201, CP-340), AES3, EBU
  • Clock Recovery and Data Decode From Biphase
    Input Signal, Generally Called S/PDIF, EIAJ CP-
    1201, IEC60958, AES/EBU
  • Biphase Input Signal Sampling Frequency (fS)
    Range: 28 kHz to 108 kHz
  • Low-Jitter Recovered System Clock: 50 ps
  • Jitter Tolerance Compliant With IEC60958-3
  • Selectable Recovered System Clock: 128 fS,
    256 fS, 384 fS, 512 fS
  • Serial Audio Data Output Formats: 24-Bit I2S;
    MSB-First, 24-Bit Left-Justified; MSB-First 16-, 24-
    Bit Right-Justified
  • User Data, Channel-Status Data Outputs
    Synchronized With Decoded Serial Audio Data
  • No External Clock Required for Decode
  • Includes Actual Sampling Frequency Calculator
    (Needs External 24.576-MHz Clock)
  • Function Control: Parallel (Hardware)
  • Functions Similar and Pin Assignments Equivalent
    to Those of DIR1703
  • Single Power Supply: 3.3 V (2.7 V to 3.6 V)
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to
  • 5 V-Tolerant Digital Inputs
  • Package: 28-pin TSSOP, Pin Pitch: 0,65 mm
  • One-Chip Digital Audio Interface Receiver (DIR)
    Including Low-Jitter Clock-Recovery System
  • Compliant With Digital Audio Interface Standards:
    IEC60958 (former IEC958), JEITA CPR-1205
    (former EIAJ CP-1201, CP-340), AES3, EBU
  • Clock Recovery and Data Decode From Biphase
    Input Signal, Generally Called S/PDIF, EIAJ CP-
    1201, IEC60958, AES/EBU
  • Biphase Input Signal Sampling Frequency (fS)
    Range: 28 kHz to 108 kHz
  • Low-Jitter Recovered System Clock: 50 ps
  • Jitter Tolerance Compliant With IEC60958-3
  • Selectable Recovered System Clock: 128 fS,
    256 fS, 384 fS, 512 fS
  • Serial Audio Data Output Formats: 24-Bit I2S;
    MSB-First, 24-Bit Left-Justified; MSB-First 16-, 24-
    Bit Right-Justified
  • User Data, Channel-Status Data Outputs
    Synchronized With Decoded Serial Audio Data
  • No External Clock Required for Decode
  • Includes Actual Sampling Frequency Calculator
    (Needs External 24.576-MHz Clock)
  • Function Control: Parallel (Hardware)
  • Functions Similar and Pin Assignments Equivalent
    to Those of DIR1703
  • Single Power Supply: 3.3 V (2.7 V to 3.6 V)
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to
  • 5 V-Tolerant Digital Inputs
  • Package: 28-pin TSSOP, Pin Pitch: 0,65 mm

The DIR9001 is a digital audio interface receiver that can receive a 28-kHz to 108-kHz sampling- frequency, 24-bit-data-word, biphase-encoded signal. The DIR9001 complies with IEC60958-3, JEITA CPR-1205 (Revised version of EIAJ CP-1201), AES3, EBUtech3250, and it can be used in various applications that require a digital audio interface.

The DIR9001 supports many output system clock and output data formats and can be used flexibly in many application systems. As the all functions which the DIR9001 provides can be controlled directly through control pins, it can be used easily in an application system that does not have a microcontroller. Also, as dedicated pins are provided for the channel-status bit and user-data bit, processing of their information can be easily accomplished by connecting with a microcontroller, DSP, or others.

The DIR9001 does not require an external clock source or resonator for decode operation if the internal actual-sampling-frequency calculator is not used. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the cost of a system.

The operating temperature range of the DIR9001 is specified as –40°C to 85°C, which makes it suitable for automotive applications.

The DIR9001 is a digital audio interface receiver that can receive a 28-kHz to 108-kHz sampling- frequency, 24-bit-data-word, biphase-encoded signal. The DIR9001 complies with IEC60958-3, JEITA CPR-1205 (Revised version of EIAJ CP-1201), AES3, EBUtech3250, and it can be used in various applications that require a digital audio interface.

The DIR9001 supports many output system clock and output data formats and can be used flexibly in many application systems. As the all functions which the DIR9001 provides can be controlled directly through control pins, it can be used easily in an application system that does not have a microcontroller. Also, as dedicated pins are provided for the channel-status bit and user-data bit, processing of their information can be easily accomplished by connecting with a microcontroller, DSP, or others.

The DIR9001 does not require an external clock source or resonator for decode operation if the internal actual-sampling-frequency calculator is not used. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the cost of a system.

The operating temperature range of the DIR9001 is specified as –40°C to 85°C, which makes it suitable for automotive applications.

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* 数据表 96-kHz, 24-Bit Digital Audio Interface Receiver 数据表 (Rev. A) 2014年 9月 25日
应用手册 Clock System Design for Digital Audio Application Based on DIR9001, PCM3070 2016年 9月 6日
用户指南 Value Soundbar Reference Design Kit Development Guide (Rev. A) 2012年 2月 3日
EVM 用户指南 DRV603EVM - User Guide (Rev. A) 2009年 1月 20日
更多文献资料 DRV601EVM2 Read me first 2008年 2月 29日
EVM 用户指南 DIR9001EVM - User Guide 2007年 7月 3日




DEM-DIR9001EVM — DEM-DIR9001EVM 评估模块

The DEM-DIR9001 is an evaluation board for the low jitter, Digital Audio Interface Receiver DIR9001. It isoperated by either a single +3.3 V power supply, or a +5 V power supply.

The DEM-DIR9001 has both an Optical Toslink input and a Coaxial input for the SPDIF interface which can achieve standard (...)

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

TAS6422Q1EVM — 具有 I2C 诊断功能的 TAS6422Q1 2.1MHz 2 通道数字输入 D 类音频放大器评估模块

TAS6422Q1EVM 展示了市场上第一款真正适用于汽车信息娱乐系统的 2.1Mhz 4 通道数字输入 D 类音频解决方案。TAS6422 的 2.1Mhz 开关频率可让客户显著缩降低电感器尺寸和成本,并优化总系统成本。TAS6422 可通过 14.4V 电源为 4Ω 负载提供每通道 25W 的功率 (10% THD+N)。TAS6422 的宽泛电源电压能力(从 4.5V 到 26V)使其成为音响主机和外部放大器系统的理想选择,同时在启停低电压瞬态事件中提供顶级性能。TAS6422 集成了 I2C 诊断和保护功能,旨在满足和超越最高的汽车品质和可靠性标准。TAS6422 符合 (...)
用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

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The TAS6424L EVM showcases the first true 2.1Mhz 4-Ch Digital Input Class-D Audio Solution for automotive infotainment in the market.  TAS6424L’s 2.1-Mhz switching frequency allows customers to significantly reduce inductor size and cost and optimize total system cost. TAS6424L delivers (...)
用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

AUDK2G — 66AK2Gx (K2G) 音频子卡

K2G 音频子卡旨在与 K2G 通用 EVM (EVMK2G) 结合使用,音频子卡运行需要使用 EVMK2G。子卡允许用户基于 66AKG2G02 DSP + ARM 处理器 SoC 开发多通道音频应用,如 A/V 接收器、条形音箱、汽车放大器系统和混合控制台。

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

DIR9001PW IBIS Model

SLAC188.ZIP (18 KB) - IBIS Model

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI 设计和仿真工具

PSpice® for TI 可提供帮助评估模拟电路功能的设计和仿真环境。此功能齐全的设计和仿真套件使用 Cadence® 的模拟分析引擎。PSpice for TI 可免费使用,包括业内超大的模型库之一,涵盖我们的模拟和电源产品系列以及精选的模拟行为模型。

借助 PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短产品上市时间并降低开发成本。 

在 PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)

TIDA-00089 — 适用于立体声或 2.1 应用的超值条形音箱参考设计套件

这是一个适合立体声或 2.1 应用的超值条形音箱参考设计套件,可轻松重复应用于 PC 扬声器或 MP3 接口盒。这是一套完整的参考设计,其中包含所有必要的编程硬件,因此可在几分钟之内上手,几小时之内完成原型设计,平均只要 8 周就能投入生产。

与当今市场上的分立式解决方案相比,创建超值条形音箱参考设计套件的成本可以减少 30%。这种设计拥有大量填充选项,允许开发者轻松定制产品,无需重新设计 PCB。其软件包含两部分,第一部分是 MSP430 代码(完全开源),还有一个用于 Purepath Studio 家庭音频版本的代码文件。

TI 同时集成了用于 MSP430 的编程器和用于 PCM3070 (...)

测试报告: PDF
原理图: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
TSSOP (PW) 28 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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