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BQ25185 正在供货 具有电源路径和太阳能输入支持的单芯 1A 独立线性电池充电器 Higher charge current and wider Vin range option.
BQ21061 正在供货 具有 10nA 运输模式、电源路径、稳定系统电压和 LDO 的 500mA 单节电池线性充电器 This product is a 500-mA 1-cell I2C linear charger with 10-nA IQ, power path and a LDO


Vin (min) (V) 4.35 Vin (max) (V) 10.2 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 28 Charge current (max) (A) 0.5 Control topology Linear Number of series cells 1 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Rating Catalog Features BAT temp thermistor monitoring (hot/cold profile), Input OVP, Power Path, VINDPM (Input voltage threshold to maximize adaptor power) Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 4.2 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 4.2 Control interface Standalone (RC-Settable) Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Vin (min) (V) 4.35 Vin (max) (V) 10.2 Absolute max Vin (max) (V) 28 Charge current (max) (A) 0.5 Control topology Linear Number of series cells 1 Cell chemistry Li-Ion/Li-Polymer Rating Catalog Features BAT temp thermistor monitoring (hot/cold profile), Input OVP, Power Path, VINDPM (Input voltage threshold to maximize adaptor power) Battery charge voltage (min) (V) 4.2 Battery charge voltage (max) (V) 4.2 Control interface Standalone (RC-Settable) Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGT) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Fully Compliant USB Charger
    • Selectable 100-mA and 500-mA Maximum Input Current
    • 100-mA Maximum Current Limit Ensures Compliance to USB-IF Standard
    • Input-based Dynamic Power Management (VIN- DPM) for Protection Against Poor USB Sources
  • 28-V Input Rating With Overvoltage Protection
  • Integrated Dynamic Power-Path Management (DPPM) Function Simultaneously and Independently Powers the System and Charges the Battery
  • Supports up to 500-mA Charge Current With Current Monitoring Output (ISET)
  • Programmable Input Current Limit up to 500 mA for Wall Adapters
  • Programmable Termination Current (bq24232)
  • Programmable Precharge and Fast-Charge Safety Timers
  • Reverse Current, Short-Circuit, and Thermal Protection
  • NTC Thermistor Input
  • Proprietary Start-Up Sequence Limits Inrush Current
  • Status Indication – Charging/Done, Power Good
  • Small 3 mm × 3 mm 16-Lead QFN Package
  • Fully Compliant USB Charger
    • Selectable 100-mA and 500-mA Maximum Input Current
    • 100-mA Maximum Current Limit Ensures Compliance to USB-IF Standard
    • Input-based Dynamic Power Management (VIN- DPM) for Protection Against Poor USB Sources
  • 28-V Input Rating With Overvoltage Protection
  • Integrated Dynamic Power-Path Management (DPPM) Function Simultaneously and Independently Powers the System and Charges the Battery
  • Supports up to 500-mA Charge Current With Current Monitoring Output (ISET)
  • Programmable Input Current Limit up to 500 mA for Wall Adapters
  • Programmable Termination Current (bq24232)
  • Programmable Precharge and Fast-Charge Safety Timers
  • Reverse Current, Short-Circuit, and Thermal Protection
  • NTC Thermistor Input
  • Proprietary Start-Up Sequence Limits Inrush Current
  • Status Indication – Charging/Done, Power Good
  • Small 3 mm × 3 mm 16-Lead QFN Package

The bq2423x series of devices are highly integrated Li-ion linear chargers and system power-path management devices targeted at space-limited portable applications. The devices operate from either a USB port or ac adapter and support charge currents between 25 mA and 500 mA. The high-input-voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports low-cost, unregulated adapters. The USB input current limit accuracy and start-up sequence allow the bq2423x to meet USB-IF inrush current specification. Additionally, the input dynamic power management (VIN-DPM) prevents the charger from crashing poorly designed or incorrectly configured USB sources.

The bq2423x features dynamic power-path management (DPPM) that powers the system while simultaneously and independently charging the battery. The DPPM circuit reduces the charge current when the input current limit causes the system output to fall to the DPPM threshold, thus supplying the system load at all times while monitoring the charge current separately. This feature reduces the number of charge and discharge cycles on the battery, allows for proper charge termination, and enables the system to run with a defective or absent battery pack. Additionally, this enables instant system turn-on even with a totally discharged battery. The power-path management architecture also permits the battery to supplement the system current requirements when the adapter cannot deliver the peak system currents, enabling the use of a smaller adapter.

The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. In all charge phases, an internal control loop monitors the IC junction temperature and reduces the charge current if the internal temperature threshold is exceeded.

The charger power stage and charge current sense functions are fully integrated. The charger function has high-accuracy current and voltage regulation loops, charge status display, and charge termination. The input current limit and charge current are programmable using external resistors.

The bq2423x series of devices are highly integrated Li-ion linear chargers and system power-path management devices targeted at space-limited portable applications. The devices operate from either a USB port or ac adapter and support charge currents between 25 mA and 500 mA. The high-input-voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports low-cost, unregulated adapters. The USB input current limit accuracy and start-up sequence allow the bq2423x to meet USB-IF inrush current specification. Additionally, the input dynamic power management (VIN-DPM) prevents the charger from crashing poorly designed or incorrectly configured USB sources.

The bq2423x features dynamic power-path management (DPPM) that powers the system while simultaneously and independently charging the battery. The DPPM circuit reduces the charge current when the input current limit causes the system output to fall to the DPPM threshold, thus supplying the system load at all times while monitoring the charge current separately. This feature reduces the number of charge and discharge cycles on the battery, allows for proper charge termination, and enables the system to run with a defective or absent battery pack. Additionally, this enables instant system turn-on even with a totally discharged battery. The power-path management architecture also permits the battery to supplement the system current requirements when the adapter cannot deliver the peak system currents, enabling the use of a smaller adapter.

The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. In all charge phases, an internal control loop monitors the IC junction temperature and reduces the charge current if the internal temperature threshold is exceeded.

The charger power stage and charge current sense functions are fully integrated. The charger function has high-accuracy current and voltage regulation loops, charge status display, and charge termination. The input current limit and charge current are programmable using external resistors.

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类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期
* 数据表 bq2423x USB-Friendly Lithium-Ion Battery Charger And Power-Path Management IC 数据表 (Rev. J) PDF | HTML 2017年 4月 8日
应用手册 Configuring Standalone Linear Power Path Chargers (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2020年 4月 6日
应用手册 BQ2423X external NTC control reference design 2019年 3月 22日
应用手册 Dynamic Power-Path Mgmt & Dynamic Power Mgmt (Rev. A) 2018年 5月 1日
用户指南 bq24072/3/4/5/9(T) and bq24230/2 1.5-A Single-Chip Li-Ion (Rev. E) 2017年 1月 3日
模拟设计期刊 Battery-charging considerations for low-power applications 2016年 4月 26日
产品概述 Battery Management Solutions for Wearable and Fitness Devices (Rev. C) 2014年 8月 18日
更多文献资料 将符合 Qi 标准的无线电源解决方案应用于低功耗可佩戴产品 英语版 2014年 6月 6日
应用手册 Selecting the Best bq2407x/23x Single Cell Battery Charger for your Application 2012年 11月 8日




BQ24232EVM — BQ24232 评估模块

本用户指南介绍了 bq24072/3/4/5 和 bq24320/2 (bqTiny-III™) 评估模块 (EVM)。该 EVM 为使用 bq24072/3/4/5 和 bq24320/2 产品系列的便携式应用的充电管理和系统电源解决方案的性能评估提供了便捷方法。现已推出经过完整设计和测试的模块。该充电器旨在为使用直流电源的单节锂离子或锂聚合物应用(查看数据表以选择合适器件)的系统或充电器提供 1.5A 的连续电流。该充电器出厂设计为提供 0.9A 的充电电流。虽然该 EVM 被设计成独立的评估模块,但也可以通过连接器和接头与系统和主机相连。

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

Linear Charger NTC Calculator

SLUC670.ZIP (350 KB)

TIDA-01012 — 无线物联网、低功耗 Bluetooth®、4½ 位、100kHz 真正 RMS 数字万用表

现在,通过物联网 (IoT) 环境,很多产品变得“触手可及”,其中包括数字万用表 (DMM) 等测试设备。TIDA-01012 参考设计由德州仪器 (TI) 的 SimpleLink™ 超低功耗无线微控制器 (MCU) 平台实现,该设计展示了一款 4.5 位的 100kHz 连网真 RMS(均方根值)数字万用表,具有蓝牙低能耗连接、NFC 蓝牙配对®以及采用 TI 的 CapTIvate™ 技术实现的自动唤醒功能。 
设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF

TIDA-01014 — 适用于低功耗工业物联网现场计量的增强型高精度电池电量监测计参考设计

物联网 (IoT) 革命正在高效地连接应用和仪器,以实现电池供电且功耗极低的大规模传感器部署。借助 TI 的高级传感器和低功耗连接器件等新技术,可将这些仪器设计为由电池供电的无线系统,从而显著降低成本、改善部署、提高可靠性和性能,并降低复杂性。

在德州仪器 (TI) 的 SimpleLink™ 超低功耗无线微控制器 (MCU) 平台的支持下,TIDA-01014 参考设计利用 TIDA-01012 无线 DMM 参考设计来演示如何使用 bq27426 增强电池管理系统的电量监测计性能并最终优化功耗。TIDA-01014 采用无线连接的 4.5 位的 100kHz 真 (...)

设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF

TIDA-00266 — ERM 和 LRA 触觉参考设计,具有 Bluetooth® 低能耗远程

该参考设计采用带有 Immersion 许可集成效果库的 DRV2605 ERM 和 LRA 触觉驱动器。  该电路板包含一个线性谐振器 (LRA) 并由 iOS 应用借助 CC2541 通过 Bluetooth® 低能耗进行控制。  该板可用作原型设计并将触觉集成到任何应用类型,包括手表、健身追踪器、可穿戴产品、便携式医疗设备、HMI 或任何需要触摸反馈的应用。  此外,该板可通过 iOS 应用进行远程控制。  该板可快速轻松地将触觉集成于一切应用。
测试报告: PDF
原理图: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
VQFN (RGT) 16 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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